MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Appearance Related => Topic started by: pearl on June 6, 2015, 17:53

Title: Underbody Lighting Mounting/Wiring
Post by: pearl on June 6, 2015, 17:53
Before you jump on me :p Yes, I realise neons embody everything that is rice and chav. But I like them. I am also aware of the law surrounding this topic etc.

I have bought a neon kit and it is ready to pop on, be wired up and ready to go. Don't h8  s;) ;) s;)

My question is this. After jacking up the car and having a good look around, I'm not really sure where the best place to put the led strips is. I've tried searching this and not had a great deal of luck.

I have 4 led strips. The longer two for the side skirts and shorter ones for front and back.

Any suggestions at all?

I'm also a little unsure of the best way to get said led strip's wires up to the battery.

If anyone has done this before or something similar, some assistance would be greatly appreciated!

  s:bounce: :bounce: s:bounce:
Title: Re: Underbody Lighting Mounting/Wiring
Post by: Jono_GT on June 7, 2015, 11:53
Did it once in my yoof on a 106 GTi. God bless Fast & Furious for making me want to bling my car!

Can't comment specifically on best fittings on the '2 but I would say this; try to get them strips far enough in from the edge of the car that the lights are not very visible and all you see is the glow from the lights. For the front and back, I'd be tempted to mount them inside the bumpers so the light glows out through the mesh etc. as well as down.