Rough Idle (only when cold)

Started by Whisperhead, August 21, 2024, 15:35

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@Whisperhead said:

Next step is to get the underside Waxoyl'd. Im planning to do that over the next few weeks

Waxoyl has been around for many years and I did use it on one of my cars before a working life of company cars, so prior to 1973. But, my recollection of the product was that in warm weather the Waxoyl melted and dripped onto our drive. That and the performance of melting it in a bucket of hot water meant I looked for something simpler to use and more stable when it came to retirement and my acquisition of my 2. I found Bilt Hamber products  and that was my  product of choice in 2011/ 12 for the rear and front crossmembers and would be again today.


It's an awful lot quieter at all RPMs now. Significant improvement! I'll keep an ear out anyway.

Thank you for the info regarding the Waxoyl too, I'll see if I can track down soemthing more modern (I remember waxoyling my Capri back in the day).
2000 MR-S Import (JDM)


The best way is to wire brush any surface rust, treat with something like Bil Hamber Hydrate 80, then a couple of coats of zinc primer and then a top coat that resembles the colour of your car.

It's more work, but the clean result lets you see what shape the underneath is in going forward.

Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club.


Good shout folks. Thank you. I'm planning to get some car ramps soon to make getting underneath easier. I love my 3T trolley jack and stands but it's so bloody heavy!

2000 MR-S Import (JDM)
