Rear wheel speed sensors

Started by J.P., November 8, 2024, 18:10

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Hello all, I am currently rebuilding the suspension and have swapped in a brand new subframe. I have some used hubs that I have tidied up with new bearings, bushings and brake shields however I cant remove my old wheel speed sensors to swap into the new hubs. Toyota are asking for 150 euros each, do aftermarket items work ok or is it worth spending on the Toyota items?

I tried searching but didn't find many mentions other than to be prepared to destroy the sensors taking them out.



Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club.


Thank you very much, ill try plusgas over the weekend, failing that I will hit up the local motor factors.


Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club.


They are 20 pound each for shipping, seller wont combine postage and I will most likely get a vat bill, I've paid over 200 euros in vat alone for parts from the U.K. already, I have yet to calculate postage! Any particular reason you say get them off ebay as opposed to the motor factors?


I doubt the motor factors will have them.  There's loads more on Ebay. Shop around.

Do a Google. 

You'll find a deal if you look hard enough.
Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club.


Have a look at Autodoc.


They are hard to get out (quite a bit easier to get in). You'd be lucky to get these removed without damage.

I eventually had to use a combo of a drill and mini blow torch to get them out (just be careful not to damage the metal ring on the driveshaft)

They are a part I'd have no issue using a cheap alternative for - as Carolyn says they are simple parts. I think I paid £40 off ebay for 2 rear sensors.
