Project +1bhp a year

Started by K T M Rider, June 5, 2018, 00:04

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Chilli Girl

I can understand your comment about having a bike, MR2 and sensible car as I'm in the same situation.  Sadly, the bike hasn't been used this year as the 2 has taken over but for now they are all staying :)
Ex owners of Chilli red facelift 52 reg called Chilli, silver 55 reg called Foxy and blue pfl W reg MR-S called Sapphire. Now 2 less!


I really, réally enjoyed reading your crash story. Not the crash but the writing; the experiences shared and how you relate it.

Been there, done ´that´ many times since I first got my driver´s license in ´75.
Mostly with motorbikes. Also as the consequence of having been ín the blind spot. Unfortunately repairs to the human crumple zones require a hospital visit...

Though I do recognise the gutted feeling of a treasured vehicle being turned into damaged goods, I have rarely lost a connection with it if I had that. If repairable, just repaired it. Maybe that is a result of a fundamentally different outlook on imperfections. When I read about the japanese ´wabi-sabi´ it explained how Í look at it.
Take luxury watches. Owners in western culture ivariably have ocd about scratches whereas japanese wearersdo not see, literally, the issue with some scratches on the crystal as long as it does not impair the readability. The watches of western owners are thus often safe dwellers whereas japanese ones are worn the crap out of.

The first dent, the first scratch, a scar on a cheek bone, to me it is all telling the  interesting story of useful lífe.
As to relationship I also very early on accepted that change happens, shit happens and taken it as a certainty; best talk about it openly, embrace it, befóre it occurs.
On a newly acquired vehicle, the first scratch is almost a liberation. The last ´new´car I bought for Mountain Girl was pre-dented which she thought a plus.
I mean; I have never owned a motorcycle I did not ´drop´ at some point*, never owned a car that did not grow a dent or what on a parking lot or wherever, never had a relationship in which the grass was not greener at the other side of the fence.
As such I never (well, rarely) repair minor damage on vehicles and enjoy (well, mostly)´open´ relationships.

Sitting in roadside restaurant now with my love of 20 years. Not a spring chicken but that makes her só much more interesting. That little scar on her left cheek bone, the white line on her forehead, the not always exclusive passion in her deep dark eyes... Whát a privilege she chooses to be with me this morning; I lóve the imperfections of life, hér imperfections and she mine. 

Anyway, réally appreciate your so húman ponderings.

Please continue.

* ...the physically síckening feeling when you hear the dull crash/scrape when your beloved bike hits the tarmac or whatever.
On the other hand the near tears, heck even real tears, of deep enjoyment when you reconnect with it when back on the open road.
Same thing your love sharing her feelings and vv. but that is off forum.
