Rear strut/hub bolts

Started by McMr2, March 12, 2017, 09:30

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Morning all.

I've been fitting new struts and it was going swimmingly. When it came to fitting the last bolt (why is it always the way) it seems the threads have become disturbed and the nut will not engage.

It is one of the two large (19mm, I think) bolts used to clamp the strut to the hub, which are slightly longer than those on the front hubs.

Unfortunately I dont have a tap/die set to hand to clean up the threads - does anyone know the spec for these bolts? Or a part number for Mr.T? I've searched but no joy.

Many thanks in advance
2004 Silver. Stock(ish).


if you go armed with this number 90105-14146 you will be in the right ball park.
Annoying that you want/need them now (sunday)
but for the money. Might as well just go to Mr T. About £3.50 ish
If you would like some extra adjustment at Geo time. Ask for 90105-14147. These have a shallower shank.

Are you anywhere near leicester? I have two plain ones in front of me.


Superb, thanks Jason, I'll get one ordered.
Unfortunately I'm nowhere near Leicester, but thanks for the offer all the same!
2004 Silver. Stock(ish).
