Hammerite for Wheels

Started by rusty0273, October 24, 2020, 13:37

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Fancy sprucing up the face of my wheels and like the idea of going Gold.
Has anyone tried using Hammerite spray paint?
Wondering if that's a good choice.

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Many years ago I used Hammerite products with success. In the past 15 years not so good. I found the tins and spray cans would not cover and would not dry. At one time the www had bad reports of the products with the same problems.  I had email and telephone discussions with them, they denied any problems but refunded my purchase price. I would never use there products again.
I have since used CanBrush spray paint, with good results, including heat resistant silver on the manifold heat shield and it's been on there years.
I have more recently used Rust-Oleum tin paint on my garden railings, very good, they also do spray cans


I had read a few reviews with similar conclusions - especially the drying. Think they had to reformulate several years ago for environmental/safety reasons and have not been the same since. I think they used to use Xylene as a solvent. Not the friendliest option but probably the most functional. I'll try and get hold of some of the rust-oleum and give that a go. Cheers.
