Wheel alignments beyond just toe

Started by Bossworld, February 3, 2025, 22:25

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Evening all, asking on here as less of a bun fight than the Abarth FB groups.

The little runabout doesn't have independent rear suspension, so can only have front wheels tracked.

I've renewed the suspension all around, and I'm in the process of chucking new inner tie rods and ends on the rack, as after 12 years the threads are too corroded to adjust.

Abarth doesn't have castor or camber adjustment but when refitting struts (two bolts/nuts) there is a small amount of in and out movement available if you pull or push the struts when tightening.

Anyway, question. I asked at local KwikFit and they said they only adjust tie rods.

Is there anywhere else worth taking the car where they'd loosen and nudge the two strut bolts to aid with overall alignment, or do I just not worry about that and find whichever fast fit garage offers a deal on two wheel alignment/toeing?



You might be able to get a very small amoint of negative camber, but I suspect it will be tiny.

Go to a garage that has proper laser alignment gear, though.

Perry Byrnes Memorial Award 2016, 2018.  Love this club. 


Camber should be checked just to verify nothing is bent, etc.  Usually the amount of camber change from play in the bolts and mounts is only about .2 deg at most, and usually less.


Thanks both, knew I'd get a good answer here  ;)
