SuperArt's "Turbo Dodo" - TTE Turbo

Started by SuperArt, May 19, 2019, 14:31

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Quote from: SuperArt on May 21, 2022, 21:52The problem is I'll need professional help achieving both; but having had some negative experiences with supposedly reputable ROC members for parts and services I'm not not sure I have faith I can see through another big project and I don't like doing anything by halves.

I hear you brother.
I wished I'd of heard you earlier.
We've both learned expensive life lessons.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Free Ukraine 🇺🇦


Quote from: SuperArt on May 21, 2022, 21:52The only way I can be interested in this platform again is with something that has extremely wild looks and power.

For now move on.
After all is said and done, it is only a car. And in your case a first car.
Buy some, swap some, scratch itches, discover the difference between fast and quick, develop your preferences/priorities.
Then you get a charming company. Changing priorities, possibly kids. Two, three cars.

Hope you get the price you want and whishing you a fun car journey.


I've not been actively selling the car (only listed as gauging interest on ROC and nowhere else) but the rising cost of living seems to have hit everyone pretty hard. Noticing a lot of cars come up for sale but not much actually being sold.

Due to lack of genuine interest rather than casual curiosity, I have made plans to embark on a road trip with my brother (non petrol head) with the hopes of converting him to take an interest in cars. His dream car is a Mustang V8, if asked why he'll happily tell you that he likes it for the looks and sound; that should give you an idea of what level of car enthusiast he is. The Dodo is the complete antithesis to his idea of a dream car.

I don't do anything by halves and don't warm up to things; "go hard or go home" is my mantra so my first real road trip with the Dodo will be to the Swiss alps.

General idea of the trip will be 4-5 days and around 30+ hours total drive over 2000+ miles.
In addition to the usual furka, stussen, oberalp, stelvio passes we would like to do more traditional touristy things.
No idea what points of interest to hit up (I can just think of Reims on the way through France) with this driving schedule so I might scale back on the driving and apportion more time to the sightseeing instead.
My younger brother is financially a lot more "able" due to his career in investment banking. He's the sort to pay more for convenience without batting an eye so it was a miracle I'd convinced him to give up time from work to drive 6-8 hours a day with me when really I think he'd rather fly out there and hire a super car.
I've got my work cut out coming up with an itinerary that'll interest him.

That said, here's a list of things to do prior to trip:

- Learn about how to drive in Europe and the legal requirements per country we'll be trekking through
- Check insurance cover and accident/break down recovery options
- Come up with a list of "bucket list" points of interest to visit to keep the co-pilot happy.
- Conduct a health check on the Turbo Dodo and treat her to a nice set of new tyres
- Bring/purchase lots of action cameras to plaster the inside/outside of the car with.
- Decide to go hard top on or off.

I've got to give credit to everyone who has commented on here, Facebook, whatsapp encouraging me to have an adventure with the car, it has rather inspired me to use the car for its intended purpose.
This should be fun.

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Best regards,
Essex - "Always happy to meet up for a weekend drive"
Making demented squirrel noises since 2014
TTE "Turbo Dodo" -
TTE Turbo "Friday" -


Looks like you have got a great road trip planned, if anything could make you find some love for the car this trip would be it.

Fun times ahead  8)
Another one won't hurt  .....

Chilli Girl

So pleased to hear your taking your car on a trip like this, absolutely awesome and if this trip won't make you want to keep it then nothing will.  Have a really lovely time. I'm very envious. ;D
Ex owners of Chilli red facelift 52 reg called Chilli, silver 55 reg called Foxy and blue pfl W reg MR-S called Sapphire. Now 2 less!


Hard top off!!

You experience so much more of the scenery that way. Plus pedestrians can tell you how nice your car is.

I hope you are going to get used to driving long distances by coming to the national Meet first.

Have fun!
"Racing" tax disc holder (binned), Poundland air freshener, (ran out), Annoying cylinder deficiency,  (sorted),
Winner of the Numb bum award 2017
Readers Ride

06 not V6 readers ride


Quote from: SuperArt on June 12, 2022, 15:20I don't do anything by halves and don't warm up to things; "go hard or go home" is my mantra so my first real road trip with the Dodo will be to the Swiss alps.

General idea of the trip will be 4-5 days and around 30+ hours total drive over 2000+ miles.
In addition to the usual furka, stussen, oberalp, stelvio passes

I strongly suggest you skip, shun the Stelvio, Since TopGear brought it to the attention it is a traffic jam apart from when it just opens in spring and I mean júst.

No hard top. The soft top  gives you choice.

Be aware of speeding. Especially in Switzerland.


Change of plans.
My one and only copilot bailed on me in favour of ten days in Bali.
I knew it was too good to be true.

Still I've done all the work researching for this trip it's just a matter of when.

For now I have a week off from coming Monday so I'll be making a trip to some points of interest near home. A tour of the Wensleydale creamery sounds good, as does any place on the national trust/English heritage menu.

Went for a drive, discovered a fishing lake I've not frequented before. Will bring my fishing gear with me next time, might have to take the hardtop off though.

Aircon refreshed two weeks ago. Toyota quoted something stupid like £400 for a new condenser and they couldn't get it anyway advising of the parts' obsolescence.
TCB came through for me and a brand new one was installed.
Before this fix it would always leak out after regas, and I found myself never taking dodo out on sunny days.
Aircon truly is a luxury I can't do without.

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Best regards,
Essex - "Always happy to meet up for a weekend drive"
Making demented squirrel noises since 2014
TTE "Turbo Dodo" -
TTE Turbo "Friday" -


Sorry to hear the big trip is postponed.

I suggest you head to mid wales for a few days, there are some awesome roads there!
"Racing" tax disc holder (binned), Poundland air freshener, (ran out), Annoying cylinder deficiency,  (sorted),
Winner of the Numb bum award 2017
Readers Ride

06 not V6 readers ride


Sorry to read about the no-trip.

Dó try go. Looked a mighty enjoyable one. What about going more south (and take the TRD exhaust)?   O:-)

Quote from: SuperArt on August 27, 2022, 19:26Aircon truly is a luxury I can't do without.

When I moved south in 2000 never had had an airco car.
Took two with me as part of household. Was none the wiser.
First one bought here had no either and did not miss it.
Since have ´enjoyed´ the luxury but took it out of my MR2. Drive top down anyway.
Mind, we had this past july:


My attention is split at the moment between Dodo and Friday.
Friday is taking most of my time at the moment, but when an opportunity to purchase brand new old stock TTE lowering springs comes up, one does not simply pass it up.

Nothing but the best for my Dodo.

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Will get them fitted at some point once I've decided on which brand of shocks and what else I need to do a full suspension refresh.
Best regards,
Essex - "Always happy to meet up for a weekend drive"
Making demented squirrel noises since 2014
TTE "Turbo Dodo" -
TTE Turbo "Friday" -


 :) now that is a find and then some  :)
well done 8)  8)
