stereo cover

Started by Anonymous, October 5, 2006, 20:52

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Hi Does anyone know where I can get the plastic cover for the stereo (sony - 2000 MR2) as I have just bought an MR2 and this is missing?  Thanks



do you mean the bit that goes around the edge of the stereo?
[size=80]rip - C2 chargecooled roadster
now Subaru Impreza WRX STi with PPP
ex committee 2004-2009[/size]


There is a dummy panel that fits over the stereo to hide it. IIRC there is a sony part number stamped on the inside of it, so if any has one they can look at maybe you can order from your local Sony dealer.


I have one of these so I will check tonight, I don't see the point of this bit of plastic, waste of time but i will get back to you with the number.


I have just had a look at mine and there is no parts number on the inside.Im sure they would be very easy to order from MR T,or Sony or you maybe lucky and even pick one up on ebay.  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:


thanks - I will keep an eye out on ebay - if anyone has one of these or knows where I can pick one up cheap let me know - cheers


I think you may need may need 55423 - 17040

I got that part part number from another post, so please don't flame me if I'm wrong!


Don't know if you're still around maxorg, but there's one on ebay at the moment.

ebay link
[size=75]2001 Red MR2[/size]
