ecu sta wire

Started by t11, September 11, 2016, 10:22

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Hello all, almost a year ago I fitted a 2zz into a1970's brittish car and for quite a while it has not been runing right, despite it being looked at the performance was poor and fuel mpg was rubbish, so it took it up to Rogue motorsport and got Patrick Mortell to look at the problem, within an hour the problem was found and sorted it was the STA  wire. The ignition advance was stuck at 5deg and the start signal was permanently on with the ignition, removing the STA wire cured the fault and returned fuel pump control to normal (rather than permanently on with the ignition, for completeness the STA  signal should be joined to the 12v signal to the started solenold so the ecu know's  when the vehicle is being question is this, STA  wire that has been removed from the ecu plug do I extend this and connect it to the wire that feeds the started solenoid from the ignition switch or have I got hold of the wrong end of the stick ? wonder if anyone can help with this.....Gordon
