MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Performance Related => Topic started by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 09:24

Title: Anyone got a stock car with twin exhaust added?
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 09:24
Currently my car is stock, power-mod-wise.
I want to add a twin exhaust, and if poss would like to get an idea of which one(s) out there might suit my requirements.
I want a system that is not too loud, fairly subtle when cruising, but gives a nice growly roar when booting it. And also fairly subtle looks-wise.
Has to be technically turbo-future-proof.
Mods I'm looking at are only the following:-
- Air Inlet Duct
- Twin Exhaust
- TTE Turbo (some point down the line)

I was wondering if any of you have a stock-car-with-after-market-twin-exhaust (no other mods), just so i can give it a listen (maybe at a meet or something).
Might sound like I'm being fussy with the whole noise thing, but to be honest, too loud = twat where I come from, unless you got the power to back it up, which i haven't at the moment!

So any recommendations or info about your cars with similar spec would be appreciated

cheers much
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 09:30
I've got a H&S twin.
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 09:42
I've just had fitted TTE Dual Exhaust and the sound is fantastic. When cruising just touch the accelerator and you hear a deep rumble  s8) 8) s8)  
Not sure about technical spec  for use with turbo though as I'm the worlds worst mechanic (and thats over stating my ability).
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 09:48
go get TPS titanium muffler. ur tail will still be lighter even with turbo installed.   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:
Post by: Tem on March 22, 2004, 09:51
Quote from: "POLISI"go get TPS titanium muffler. ur tail will still be lighter even with turbo installed.   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:

Is the muffler in this pic the titanium muffler?

 m ... 001pic.jpg ( m
Post by: Jap GT300 on March 22, 2004, 11:59
No thats not it.  It is the one that can come in three piece header, downpipe, muffler (NA) I think there is a picture on my site.  I'll double check.
Title: Sounds?
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 17:15
On a similar note that might be of interest to Stevo as well, does anybody have any sound recordings of their twin exit exhausts? It's something I will consider in the future and would be interested to hear how they sound. I know I should get my arse down to a meet, but weekends are busy at the mo and for some time to come  s:( :( s:(  I'd be interested in hearing them at idle and revving, both inside and outside the car (don't want much do I  s;) ;) s;) )

I don't suppose we will know which exhausts are TTE Turbo friendly until the kit is officially released will we?
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 17:20
I have this courtesy of Markiii:

But to be honest it sounds nothing like that recording.  I reckon it'd be very hard to get a recording and playback system that manages to properly reporduce all the low end frequencies, and acoustics and the harmonys.

I'd really really recommend getting to a meet, or to someone nearby and hearing it for yourself... 'cause recordings really don't do 'em justice.
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 18:03
sweet, loving that sound, presume that's yours Phil
will have to go a meet, might make it on Sunday but dont know yet

Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 18:34
Quote from: "Tem"
Quote from: "POLISI"go get TPS titanium muffler. ur tail will still be lighter even with turbo installed.   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:

Is the muffler in this pic the titanium muffler?

 m ... 001pic.jpg ( m

Refer to this link:
Post by: Anonymous on March 22, 2004, 19:04
Quote from: "Stevo"presume that's yours Phil

Yep  s:) :) s:)
Post by: Tem on March 22, 2004, 21:31
Quote from: "Maurizio"Refer to this link:

Thanks  s8) 8) s8)

(I'm off to write "Use the search" 100 times now  s:oops: :oops: s:oops:  )
Title: Re: Anyone got a stock car with twin exhaust added?
Post by: Anonymous on March 23, 2004, 17:08
Quote from: "Stevo"I want a system that is not too loud, fairly subtle when cruising, but gives a nice growly roar when booting it. And also fairly subtle looks-wise.

You should try a company called "Longlife".  There is one in London, you can choose from 4 sound types from standard up to full sport and any design you can think of within reason.

Last month I had one built by them (Cardiff branch) and they did an outstanding job. There is a pic on here somewhere if you want to see the finish.  Each system is stainless steel with a lifetime guarentee.
I went with "Mild Sport Sound" which is the second of the 4 levels and it is perfect.  It rumbles at low revs which sounds great and if you give it some welly it gets louder, but not too much, at between 3500rpm and 4000rpm it dies off making motorway driving comfortable(its hard to explain what it sounds like in words).

They have a website:  w ( w
Title: exhaust system
Post by: loadswine on March 23, 2004, 20:46
Ian's system sounds very intriguing,what did it cost?and have you got any pics?
Post by: Anonymous on March 23, 2004, 21:00
Here is the thread:  m ( m

Amazing what happens when you use the search....   s:roll: :roll: s:roll:
Title: exhaust
Post by: loadswine on March 23, 2004, 21:14
Well done Kris, answered all my questions,didn't know this system had come up before, not been here long,thanks.  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  
System does look very smart, as do all the systems I've seen members have had installed,guess it comes down to personal prefs , price and locality.
Title: Re: Anyone got a stock car with twin exhaust added?
Post by: Anonymous on March 23, 2004, 22:29
Quote from: "Ian Rowburrey"You should try a company called "Longlife".  There is one in London, you can choose from 4 sound types from standard up to full sport and any design you can think of within reason.

Last month I had one built by them (Cardiff branch) and they did an outstanding job. There is a pic on here somewhere if you want to see the finish.  Each system is stainless steel with a lifetime guarentee.
I went with "Mild Sport Sound" which is the second of the 4 levels and it is perfect.  It rumbles at low revs which sounds great and if you give it some welly it gets louder, but not too much, at between 3500rpm and 4000rpm it dies off making motorway driving comfortable(its hard to explain what it sounds like in words).

They have a website:  w ( w

Oh great, thanks for that info Ian, will give them a look-up, love the look of yours, really looks great, 'specially on black.
Any idea of the power improvement you gained?

The other thing for me is H & S are based in the mighty Bas (Essex-ians will chuckle at this!).  Which is not only where I was born, but now working there too, so for location, I'm thinking it aint gonna get much better (nor nuffink!)
Hoooowever, I do reeeally love the piccie of yours!
choices choices! (not complaining)
Post by: Anonymous on March 24, 2004, 21:08
Im not sure about the power increase as I havn't had it tested but, it is a free flow system so should give about 4-5 bhp if not a little more.  

Im no expert though.
Title: Re: Anyone got a stock car with twin exhaust added?
Post by: Anonymous on March 24, 2004, 22:25
Quote from: "Stevo"The other thing for me is H & S are in Basildon, so for location, I'm thinking it aint gonna get much better

oh well, just found DAZ400's thread about his experience at H&S with his turbo'd '2.
and that coupled with helpful comments from Mark earlier means I guess it's probably best to wait if I'm serious about the turbo, see what the spec/recommendation's like.
I could get the H&S for now, and sell it on later, but farting about like that aint really my gig.
Just have to wait for the next batch of turbo news.

The patience and laziness is strong in this one!