MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Performance Related => Topic started by: Darth Paul on July 5, 2003, 00:39

Title: Apexi two days on...
Post by: Darth Paul on July 5, 2003, 00:39
A mate and I fitted the Power Intake on Wednesday evening. A piece of cake to install EXCEPT for working out which way the mounting brackets go on. MUCH trial and error. It took us just under two hours to fit it – with half an hour deciding which way the brackets went on! If I was to do it again, I'm pretty sure I could do it in half an hour!  s:D :D s:D  Or I could provide detailed instructions on how to mount it correctly FIRST TIME.

When we'd finished I started the beast and allowed the engine to warm up. Then I gave it a-revvin' and was disappointed to hear absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in sound. (Not enough revs it transpired).

So we took it out for a spin on the country lanes just to make sure. After all, I'd heard nothing but good reports about it. Hit 4500 revs and... OH MY GOSH!!!  s:shock: :shock: s:shock:    s:shock: :shock: s:shock:    s:shock: :shock: s:shock:    s:shock: :shock: s:shock:  What a noise!

Who put a TVR in my engine bay?! The sound is amazing! And addictive. A deep throaty roar as you nail the throttle.  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  But when you're 'pootling' around at slow speed there is no difference in sound. Which is what I wanted. I didn't want to be likened to the local rice boyz.

So the extra cold air being forced into the engine might be good for fuel economy, but when the sound is sooooooooooooooo adictive and you drive everywhere in second and third gear, the economy goes to hell!  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  But who gives a $hit?!

For those of you 'umming and arring' over getting this, stop. GET IT. INSTALL IT . LURVVVVVVVVE IT!  s:D :D s:D  

I've got a few extra pointers on how to install it now, and I'll be adding my thoughts to the 'manual'. It's here if you want it.

Post by: Anonymous on July 5, 2003, 11:15
Sounds like a well worthy investment DP.

Could you post info on fitting and contacts on how you got it so that we all can have the TVR in the engine bay   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:    s:lol: :lol: s:lol:
Title: Re: Apexi two days on...
Post by: Anonymous on July 5, 2003, 16:52
Quote from: "Darth Paul"A piece of cake to install EXCEPT for working out which way the mounting brackets go on. MUCH trial and error.

Don't say I didn't warn you   s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:  

QuoteThen I gave it a-revvin' and was disappointed to hear absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in sound. (Not enough revs it transpired).

I think it's load related in some way; it seems no matter how hard you rev on the driveway, nothing happens. It's only under load that it does. Weird.

QuoteWho put a TVR in my engine bay?! The sound is amazing! And addictive.

Good isn't it  s:) :) s:)  Welcome to "The Apexi Club"   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:
Post by: Liz on July 5, 2003, 17:24
Yes welcome to the newest member  s:) :) s:)  .

I felt really disappointed when I had mine fitted when I heard that there was not a lot of difference to the noise of it, until you open the car up, lovely, now I have got the Remus as well I can't hear the A'PEXi so much but it is nice to know that it is adding to the overall sound of the car.  I wasn't sure how much other people could hear the engine/exhaust noise until I had a colleaque follow me into work last night.  I was chuffed when he said that he could really hear the sound of the car as I pulled away at a roundabout.  Enjoy Paul!
Post by: Slacey on July 6, 2003, 14:38
My first mod - and definately one of the best!   s:D :D s:D
Post by: Anonymous on July 7, 2003, 17:13

I've read this and now I want one.  I was driving my 106 GTi for about 2 years before I fitted a forced induction kit and regretted I hadn't fitted one earlier.

I've had my '2' for about 4 weeks now and was going to put off the mod's for about 6 months but I by the sounds of it I shouldn't be waiting.

Can you let me know:

*Why you went for the Apexi over the other induction kits/air filters on the market?

*How it works?  What I mean is, does it get a cold air feed from the intake or take warm air from the engine bay?

*How much and where from?

*How do I install it?

On my 106 I have to say the performance increase was probably psychological but the throttle response was definately improved.  How would you describe the improvements to the characteristics of the 2?


Post by: Slacey on July 7, 2003, 19:53
To be honest I went for the Apexi as at that time, our American chums over at Spyderchat reckoned collectively that it was the best on the market, whether this opinion has changed or not I don't know.
By default it does take air from within the bay, but it hasn't caused me any problems or performance degredation at all. I got mine (as have a few others) from Taka Kaira,, cost seems to be cheaper than when I got mine now at about £109.
Installation is easy, but check out the earlier posts for some tips.
Title: Re: Apexi two days on...
Post by: Comer on July 11, 2003, 07:46
Quote from: "Darth Paul"A mate and I fitted the Power Intake on Wednesday evening. A piece of cake to install EXCEPT for working out which way the mounting brackets go on. MUCH trial and error. It took us just under two hours to fit it – with half an hour deciding which way the brackets went on! If I was to do it again, I'm pretty sure I could do it in half an hour!  s:D :D s:D  Or I could provide detailed instructions on how to mount it correctly FIRST TIME.

When we'd finished I started the beast and allowed the engine to warm up. Then I gave it a-revvin' and was disappointed to hear absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in sound. (Not enough revs it transpired).

So we took it out for a spin on the country lanes just to make sure. After all, I'd heard nothing but good reports about it. Hit 4500 revs and... OH MY GOSH!!!  s:shock: :shock: s:shock:    s:shock: :shock: s:shock:    s:shock: :shock: s:shock:    s:shock: :shock: s:shock:  What a noise!

Who put a TVR in my engine bay?! The sound is amazing! And addictive. A deep throaty roar as you nail the throttle.  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  But when you're 'pootling' around at slow speed there is no difference in sound. Which is what I wanted. I didn't want to be likened to the local rice boyz.

So the extra cold air being forced into the engine might be good for fuel economy, but when the sound is sooooooooooooooo adictive and you drive everywhere in second and third gear, the economy goes to hell!  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  But who gives a $hit?!

For those of you 'umming and arring' over getting this, stop. GET IT. INSTALL IT . LURVVVVVVVVE IT!  s:D :D s:D  


Fitted mine last night, again 2 hours due to bl**dy brackets.  I can't echo enough the comments made by DP, absolutely spot on.  Chris we'll be able to fit yours at Mark's on Sunday easily by looking at mine.  Buster get a move on and order one from Takakaira NOW!

PS Mine came out at £111 with no customs charges either.
Title: Re: Apexi two days on...
Post by: Slacey on July 11, 2003, 07:52
Quote from: "Comer"PS Mine came out at £111 with no customs charges either.
Was this due to them undervaluing the package on the shipping label? When I had mine from them 10 months or so back they didn't want to do it and I got hit for VAT and duty   s:( :( s:(
Title: Re: Apexi two days on...
Post by: Comer on July 11, 2003, 08:01
Quote from: "Slacey"
Quote from: "Comer"PS Mine came out at £111 with no customs charges either.
Was this due to them undervaluing the package on the shipping label? When I had mine from them 10 months or so back they didn't want to do it and I got hit for VAT and duty   s:( :( s:(

Yeah when I logged on to the site to check my order I used the contact them page to ask them to mark it as 3000 Yen!!! on the invoice.  They came back and said that was suspiciously low but it arrived with 3400 Yen on the invoice so it no VAT etc.  I was away and my neighbour signed for it and they didn't mention any payment on the door.

I think Takakaira are getting clued up on the Brits not wanting to pay VAT so anyone thinking about it, should do it now.  I was going to get one earlier but I listened to Liz's car at the Chelmsford meet and I wasn't sure because I couldn't hear much difference except for the noise from the Remus.  NOW I know it's because the car wasn't on the move!!!

PS Your snap of your engine bay on another thread helped a lot too, cheers.
Post by: Tem on July 22, 2003, 14:25
This might be handy for installing the kit:
 m ( m

And here's a reason why Apexi:  s;) ;) s;)
 m ... index.html ( m
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2003, 11:49
Based on DP's comments - I'm thinking of getting the Apexi filter  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  

  s:?: :?: s:?:  Darth, did you have any problem with the pollution control valve mentioned in the spydermagazine article (below)?

This intake from A'PEXi is available only in Japan at this time.  I had a contact ship one over from Japan and had someone translate the directions for me since they were only in Japanese.  For the most part the install went pretty easily.  I had only one concern and that was the PCV-looking valve that wasn't covered in the Japanese diagrams.  I ended up doing test runs with that valve uncovered and covered and the car performed better with the valve covered.  I'll check with Toyota and see exactly what that valve does and if there are any long-term ramifications.  This also makes me wonder if the Japanese cars have this valve.  Performance?  Oh, you didn't think that I'd leave that out did you? WOW! is about all I can say, I was shocked to see how restricted that airflow into the stock engine really is.  The car has more pull throughout the power band and I believe would benefit even more if I opened up the exhaust.  The sound is favorable as well.  At idle the car is the same, but under medium to heavy throttle the car develops a low tone growl which I found to be great!  All in all I am pleased with this item and give it an 8 out of 10 because I want to check on that PCV valve.  If everything is kosher long-term with the valve, then I could easily give this a 10 out of 10.  The following pictures show the installation process.

UPDATE - 4/2001
I realized I never came back and updated this article, so here's the scoop.  The PCV looking thing is actually part of the pollution control stuff and is designed to vent the gas tank.  You can't plug this or else the gas tank isn't vented and you will have a very hard time filling your tank.  Others who have purchased the Apexi have chosen to tap into the metal tube and then attach the rubber hose from the valve to the tube.  I took a slightly different approach shown in photos at the end of this article.  I punched a hole in the rubber tube that connects the metal tube and metal collar together and inserted the valve at this location.  I put a small amount of grease around the hole as I inserted the valve because I made the hole smaller than the valve and wanted to make sure I had a good seal.  Everything seems to work great.  Tapping into the metal tube is probably a more professional way of doing it, but I didn't have anything to tap in with so I went my own route and it ended up working fine.  See the new pictures at the end of the pictures below.
Post by: Comer on July 24, 2003, 12:57
Mike, I don't think this is applicable to Euro cars.  I fitted my Apexi and had no additional hoses to find home s for.  by removing the air box you will see how the Apexi simply takes it's place.  The only thing you have to find a home for is the MAF sensor.  It is held in place by two screws on the intake leading from the old airbox and it fits in exactly the same way to the body of the Apexi.

Other Apexi owners please add your bit to make me sound clearer!!  s:) :) s:)
Post by: Darth Paul on July 24, 2003, 13:51
UK cars DO NOT have a PCV valve.

The only thing of concern is the MAF sensor, and that's easy.

Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2003, 15:00
Just been on the takakaira web site:

24377 MR-S  Power Intake NA-Type Apex ZZW30 99.11~ 1ZZ-FE

¥en 14800 (about £80). I'm assuming it's shipping and customs that bump the price up to £110 (ish).

Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2003, 15:11
One question: How does fitting this thing affect your warranty?
Post by: Darth Paul on July 24, 2003, 15:21
Quote from: "Lee"One question: How does fitting this thing affect your warranty?

Popular mythology holds that so long as it cannot be proven that the mod caused the incident or whatever then the warranty will be honoured.

It might affect your insurance though. I checked with mine and they were ok with it and it did not affect the premium.

Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2003, 16:25
Myself i'm looking forward to the PPE Cold Air Intake.  Its placed perfectly behind the battery and away from the engine heat.

 m ... hlight=ppe ( m
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2003, 16:56
Yeah I like the look of the PPE CAI as well.

Just one question. Can anyone think why Toyota had the stock intake so far down the engine bay and not go with a solution similar to PPE's?
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2003, 17:02
On the issue of warranty I can second DP point. I have been writing back and forth trying to Toyota GB to recognise the Toyota Racing Development member braces as a genuine 'yota part as Toyota Inc does in the US but with no joy.

Their line was the warranty is invalid if the dealer believes any resultant problems can be traced to the non-approved part, leaving you in the hands of the dealer and their judgement. Just pray they don't ask Toyota GB who seem pretty inflexible on the whole issue of 'non-approved' parts.

Don't throw those stock parts away   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2003, 10:19
Quote from: "Lusaka"Just one question. Can anyone think why Toyota had the stock intake so far down the engine bay and not go with a solution similar to PPE's?

This has had a bit of discussion on the US Roadster forums, and the best guess there is something to do with fluid dynamics. They seem to think that the reason for putting the filter box where it is was due to flattening out turbulence and creating more even air density. I have a couple of friends who are in this field, and they reakon it all sounded quite beleiveable. I do know that change the intake gives you NO perforamnce hike what-so-ever.

Sounds cool though  :-) :-) :-)
Title: Re: Apexi two days on...
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2003, 12:19
Quote from: "Darth Paul"I've got a few extra pointers on how to install it now, and I'll be adding my thoughts to the 'manual'

DP - Have ordered my intake, can you provide some help on orientation of the brackets (which seem the be the major hurdle).


Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2003, 13:41
Ok, I've read the post and now I'm convinced.  1 Apexi ordered!

This is my first mod and by the sounds of it a good place to start.  Exhaust next me thinks.

DP, any chance of you PDF'ing a copy of your installation guide?
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2003, 15:05

When do you want to change the exhaust? Have you read the posts on the Group Buy with Hayward & Scott. £350 + VAT. markiii is organising it and there is still time to place an order if your quick  s:!: :!: s:!:  

  s:D :D s:D    s:D :D s:D
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2003, 19:51
Quote from: "Lusaka"Just one question. Can anyone think why Toyota had the stock intake so far down the engine bay and not go with a solution similar to PPE's?

2 guesses:

1. Many cars I see has the stock (big) airbox which provide an initial mass of air for fast response as you step on the throttle. This box cannot fit behind (in front?) the current battery position.

2.The ideal place for the airbox is where the battery is but the battery being a relatively heavy part is preferably as far forward for better weight balance. (Less tail heavy) So the air pipe is routed all the way around.

My experience with my previous car when I switch to a CAI(2-feet tube) from a stock system with airbox is that initial response is slightly retarded, just for a split second when I stamp on the throttle. High speed driving feels more lively though.
Post by: Jap GT300 on September 19, 2003, 10:48
QuoteMyself i'm looking forward to the PPE Cold Air Intake. Its placed perfectly behind the battery and away from the engine heat.  

That is an early example of the PPE CAI.  The production version is much better!

I suggest we go for a group buy on these.  I need to order a second one  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  

Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2003, 12:55

Thanks for the info.  I hadn't thought about brand yet but I'll check it out!  £350 sounds like a bargain!

Post by: Anonymous on October 1, 2003, 17:39
Ive got the Veilside Pro Drag exhaust system but a standard air filter box!
Is it worth getting the Apexi intake too and where does the cone sit in the engine bay? Any pics?
Post by: Slacey on October 1, 2003, 17:56
The Apexi cone sits in the bottom left, see the pic below (cone is under silver heat shield)...

Post by: Anonymous on October 8, 2003, 16:46
Well, thanks to everyone's great advise I managed to fit my spanking new Apexi in under 40mins.

Now, for a test drive!

Thanks again all.