MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Maintenance, Problems & Troubleshooting => Topic started by: Anonymous on September 10, 2003, 18:43

Title: Advice needed - anyone have imported MR2 with leather seats
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2003, 18:43
I have a UK spec MR2, imported from Holland (2.5 yrs old), with red leather seats.  About an inch's worth of stitching has come undone on the drivers seat, I took it to the dealer who said they'll order a new seat cover for it, great so far.  As an aside, my leather seats have not got the embossed MR2 logo, and I got the impression from other threads that this was quite the norm with euro imported models (agreed?).

However, they just called and asked "are your red leather seats bright red?", "no" i says, "they're more of a deeper scarlet-y red".
And that's when I start to get the typical dealership teeth-suck noises, a la "oooohhh, dunno bout that mate, that's gonna be tricky that, if possible at all" etc etc.
He said that all the different importers (countries) have different leather suppliers. Fair enough, I understand that, but would it be so hard to find out the red-leather supplier to Toyota Netherlands?
The best solution they're coming up with is to get a professional fix-up done on the existing seat, which is better than nothing but in my mind will leave a weaker spot on the seat where the repair has been done.

Anyway, bit of a tall order, but has anyone suffered this particular problem before and knows the solution??!! and even more so, anyone any ideas how i can find out the colour and/or supplier of the red leather that Toyota Netherlands use?? (I know I know, very highly unlikely)

Failing, any other helpful tips/suggestions would be most welcome.
If you've made it this far in the message then extra thanks to you for the time for what is a comparatively trivial problem
cheers guys,
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2003, 20:02
Sorry, can't help with the colour problem. I do know, if the repairers are specialist  repairers, the repaired area should be stronger than any other part of the seat. I'm guessing they will repair affected area and over stitch into original stitching. Specialist  repairers who undertake repairs on motorcycle leathers usually guarantee their repairs to withstand a standard abrasive factor. Part of test is, repair must withstand dragging on tarmac etc, although their terminology is far more technical. Additionally the repair should be guaranteed, you will need to enquire for what period.
Hope this helps.
Post by: Slacey on September 10, 2003, 21:14
I have the red leather, and my UK spec was imported from Denmark, although the leather was sourced from Belgium or France (can't remember which, there was a quality control form with the documents that covered the fitting of the leather) - the red is actually brighter than the true UK 'Minnesota' leather, but not as bright as the '03 - and they ARE embossed, but only with 'MR'.
So, all in all, I think your dealer may be right, and that getting the correct match could be a problem   s:( :( s:(
Post by: GSB on September 11, 2003, 08:39
Mine are the same as Slaceys, Denmark car with "MR" embossed on the leather. Although I think mine are pretty good match for all the other minesota red covers I've seen. Your best bet would be to repair the cover you have, or source a new pair of covers to ensure a colour match.

One point, surely as your car is only 2.5 years old this is a warranty issue, in which case Mr T should be fronting the cost of replacing both the covers?
Post by: zud on September 11, 2003, 08:59
My guess is that 2.5 yrs down the line you won't get a match on a single new seat.  Even if you could get the "same" colour leather from the original supplier, then sunlight and/or wear&tear on the old seat would result in a different shade.

I think Cartell has the right idea... find someone who will do a quality repair  on the stitching (sorry, can't help there tho'!).
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2003, 09:12
OK, thanks for the help guys.
I will mention to themabout replacing all the covers but have a feeling I know what the answer will be!
But in any case I feel a bit better about having a repair done by a specialist after that info.
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2003, 11:31
I bought my car from my local Toyota dealer with the 'Minnesota Red' leather option and the seats have "MR2 Roadster" embossed on them.