New Aerial Fitted - Still Slight Issue

Started by Yorkie1967, June 30, 2013, 17:34

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Having owned my MR2 Roadster for just over a month now I can safely safe it's been everything I read about and more - what a cracking little motor! Pure driving pleasure and had some very nice comments from other people. However last week the aerial 'whip' snapped and I ordered another from EBAY. I followed all the instructions from this site for fitting the new aerial including removing the motor from inside the rear wing and taking out the snapped end of the tongued 'whip'. Reassembled it all and fed in the new whip. Perfect - the motor grabbed the new part and wound it in, stopping once the aerial was fully retracted. However when I switched the radio on again the aerial went up to it's limit but the motor didn't stop - kept on winding for 10 seconds. Wondered if there's something I didn't do? Do I need to take a few inches off the end of the plastic whip? Is there some 'sensor' that I've not connected (didn't see any whilst disassembling/reassembling). Any help appreciated!



Sounds like the toothed gear that grabs the whip is worn out. Mine was the same. I just swapped out the whole unit for a good used one.


Hi adscan

The folk I bought the aerial from seem to think it's the aerial relay that needs replacing. Trying to source one of those now for price. Not sure what to do - buy an entire new aerial/motor or get the relay and try that???

Or just leave the aerial unplugged and fill the car up with CDs!


Its because you missed a vital step. You need to put the whip in whilst it all apart so you can melt the end to make a ball on the end. What actually stops the motor is when it detects its not moving anymore. Is can't push it up anymore or pull it down anymore. So you may replace what you like but without that ball on the end you will never fix it. Look at lizz's Arial guide in the how to section and you will no what I mean.


Hi rbuckingham

Ah - I see. I printed out Liz's guide but had wrongly assumed that she had melted the end because she was still using the 'snapped' original aerial whereas I have bought a new one. Right I'll give it another bash at the weekend!

