Funny revving…

Started by WWC, March 16, 2016, 15:26

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Hi everybody
Just getting to know the new car and have a query regards how it revs.
(For ref it's a 2000 plate MK3 with 98,000 on the clock)
So I'm driving along in say 4th at about 2,500 rpm and put my foot down to accelerate (not floor it but a decent push) and the revs briefly rise by about 1,000/1,500 rpm then settle back down and it accelerates normally.
At first I thought maybe this is a VVT quirk but a mate who used to work in the trade diagnosed it as that the clutch has pretty much gone.
This wouldn't surprise me as the bite is high but I thought I'd bounce it off you guys for a second opinion?
No problem getting the clutch done I just don't want to expect it to solve a problem that actually relates to something else!
Thanks in advance.


does it do it in other gears too?
1999 MR-S with a few tweaks!
Circuit de catalunya
24 Heures du Mans
Abingdon Track day


From your description it sounds like clutch/pressure plate.

It should do it in any gear and the problem will be prominent where the engine has more torque (i.e. 2-4k rpm). Higher rpm the engine actually has less torque so it's normally not as bad at higher rpm.


Cheers both and yes all gears but most noticeable in 4th and 5th as I guess that's where you're 'cruising'?
And definitely it's much more obvious around the 2,500 rpm mark.
Imaging it's hard to say but how urgent is the fix?
Really appreciate the feedback, will get it booked in...


Well... It'll just give up one day and you won't have a clutch.

That's best case, worst case is it disintegrates and ruins your flywheel- but honestly just a worn clutch isn't likely to do that.


Driven carefully it might last years.
But then it could be something worse then wear , like friction material breaking up , and strand you on the next trip.

What I'd recommend other people do - change it today.
What I'd do myself - make sure RAC/AA cover is up to date and carry on.
