MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on June 22, 2007, 20:30

Title: Cant Decide Which to Buy - Help Me
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2007, 20:30
Hi - looking for a reaonably priced 2 seater convertable


Toyota MR2 Roadster
Mazda MX5

I really really like the MR2 - looking at up to £8000 to spend so will proberly purchase me up to an 02 plate.

Can you give me some tips / recommendations - from searches the only really limitation is boot space which I am not too bothered about  However have heard about the alloy wheels bubbling - is this only on the newer models or were older ones affected as well?

Hope you guys can help me on here and point me in the right direction - if you can give any inndicators as well as to why I should not bother with the MX5 or Z3.  All prices are similar and similar too on my insurance - so close decsion.......
Post by: uktotty on June 22, 2007, 20:40
Drive them all see which one you like best, I was very dissapointed with the MX-5 and that was my first choice, the MR is the nuts
Post by: Draggon on June 22, 2007, 21:05
Aye...MX-5 was nice to drive.....just nice...nothing special...but it had more luggage space than the MR2.

BMW Z3 ...nice build quality....more luxury (if that) but sloppy and not as responsive as the MR2 or MX-5.

And then the MR2  s:) :) s:)

Fast, responsive, nice to look to maintain (compared too BMW) and reasonbly cheap to modify and 'make your own' as it were.

I test drove all of them before we bought the 2 (all about same age 2004 ish) I did not get to drive the S2000 or the Z4 or the TT roadster as these were quite expensive to run etc. (we had an 00 Alfa Spider at the time)

MR2 has to be the best car we have owned so far  s:) :) s:) ....and we have had a few  s;) ;) s;)
Post by: freak_in_cage on June 22, 2007, 22:07
both mx5 and mr2 are drivers cars

mx5 has more traditional front engined RWD sports car layout- handles wonderfully with a GORGOUES gearbox and is very exploitable on the road.

mr2 is that much more focused and racer like, but only really comes alive at 9/10ths so less exploitable on road. gearbox inferiour. engine does have more of a power band, mx5 just tends to creep up slowly without any gearrange to focus on!

no experience with z3

mx5s are SO common- for good reason of course, they are great cars, but i went for the 2 and dont regret it
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2007, 22:10
MR2 or MX-5 for me everytime, purely from a driving point of view. MX-5 is a touch easier to get the most out of, but the MR2 is probably the more rewarding drive. I'd be happy with either on my drive, put it that way.

The Bee-Em is ugly, expensive to service/get parts for and slow. So don't get that one.  s;) ;) s;)
Post by: uktotty on June 22, 2007, 23:44
So why did I have such a crappy experience with the MX-5 I found it totally unresponsive yet it has the same sized engine as the 2?
Post by: Chris_h on June 23, 2007, 00:02
being a tree hugger, I can't abide the MX5 economy/performance balance. They are thirsty buggers for what little is on offer.
Post by: Wabbitkilla on June 23, 2007, 08:01
Like you I had the same choice, and i tried them all.

The MR2 was an off-chance chat with a guy from work (cheers Noddynurdle, you changed my life - and my bank balance  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  )

The MX5 was limited in my opinion, too crampt and without enough "feel" for the road - i am a biker too. Boot was great though and it's pretty, but i generally look at the whole package and must be able to feel what the car is doing on the road.

The BMW - i test drove a very nice 2.2 and although the quality was lurvely and the engine smooth and sumptuous - so was the suspension and handling. Add to that the servicing and the general way BMW treats you as an underclass i don't think i wanted the hassle. Nice boot though.

And then the MR2, well what can i say, i drove 1/2 a mile in it and shook on it straight away. I love this car it's incredibly responsive to modification, it feels secure on the road, and you can tell what the wheels are doing all the time. If i can pack my bike for a week away, then i can definitely fit everything in here (travel light is my motto).

There's oodles of info on here for prospective owners and i find like many car and bike clubs, people with a common interest and they're all jolly nice people - always ready to help. Not enough girlies though, so if you've got a sister .......   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  

Only joking mate, go have some test drives and remember driving a soft top is about enjoying yourself, it is your mission should you choose to accept it  s8) 8) s8)
Post by: Anonymous on June 23, 2007, 08:50
Cheers for the infor - some really good info on there.

Just regarding the point that the BMW is expensive to service - is the MR2 ok on that point.

Just heard - do not know if this is true - that replacement wheels are £250 each adn is the ' bubbling ' of the alloys a problem on 020 or older plates?  Should I look for one with replacement alloys?
Post by: Wabbitkilla on June 23, 2007, 09:26
Alloys bubble on all manufacturers in my experience. I would say the Toyotas (all of them) have pretty poor paint on the wheels. If you get one with a clean set on then you still have to think about replce or refurb in a few years time.

Mine is over 4 y/o now with 26k miles on it and they're just starting to bubble in nooks. I'll be looking for a refurb before winter at £40ish a corner.
Post by: scottee on June 23, 2007, 09:52
Quote from: "Fiery Phoenix"Cheers for the infor - some really good info on there.

Just regarding the point that the BMW is expensive to service - is the MR2 ok on that point.

Just heard - do not know if this is true - that replacement wheels are £250 each adn is the ' bubbling ' of the alloys a problem on 020 or older plates?  Should I look for one with replacement alloys?

You can fix that by putting 22" spinners on it! haha only joking

Worst case, if the alloys bubble, it will only cost the best part of £200 (guy here in Swansea charges £170 for all 4) to referb them  s:) :) s:)  Dont let that put you off a great car!
Post by: Anonymous on June 23, 2007, 15:47
All I'll say is don't get the z3!!!

SLow as feck (unless we are talking the M version), handes like a barge.

Someone said build quality was good - well it's got a crap plastic rear window and the interior looked nothing special.

Great if you want to cruise around and pose (until you meet someone who reads car magazines). Otherwise steer clear.
Post by: Anonymous on June 23, 2007, 15:48
Re servicing:

My 10k service cost me just over £100.
My 20k service (yesterday) cost £250 - which included new plugs and brake fluid.

So pretty good really.!  s:D :D s:D
Post by: heathstimpson on June 24, 2007, 07:57
For 8K you should be easily able to get a 2003 facelift 2 matey  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:
Post by: rtbiscuit on June 24, 2007, 10:57
for me its the mr2 everytime, both the bmw and mx5 feel that your sat on them and not it in them.

i found the mx5 to have a more girly feminin look, its a lovely car, but i'm a big burly man and din't think i could carry it off.

the mbw looks nice, but think its a little common as well.

but these are my opinions, and everyone needs to make they're own choices, its your car and you need to be happy with it, as your the one driving it.

all 3 a fine choices, but you must remember this is a roadster forum and most of us will be biased towards the other 2 cars, as will all chose the mr2.

your get the same response on the other 2 forums as well.

good luck with your car hunt.
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 21:16
No experience of the Z3 I'm afraid.  Although plastic rear window would put me off a little.

I have had an MX5 (Mk2) and now the MR2 (2004 model).  Here is where the MR2 wins:

 - Seems to have a better balance, especially at the limit
 - Much more comfortable cabin, more room, better seats
 - More have aircon - so if this is important, easier to find
 - Hood folds down much more neatly
 - Much more civilised with the hood down - less buffeting etc.
 - Feels more substantial
 - Rarer, looks nicer IMO
 - Engine comes alive over 4000 rpm

and here is where it loses

 - Gearbox - the MX5's is a peach, the MR2's is a lemon (IMO)
 - Engine Note - the MX5 sounds better in stock mode
 - Low speed thrills - the MX5 feels special all the time, the MR2 only when pressing on.
 - Boot - need not say more really.  MX5 has one which you don't need to fold the seats forward to get to.
 - Hard top - the MX5 doesn't need a fitting kit - just plug and play/

Hope that helps - you're in control.  Everyone (well most)  here will say get the MR2.  Personally I think they are both as good as each other, in different ways.  If I was buying again tomorrow, I'd probably go the MX5,  but then wish I'd gone for the MR2 twelve months later... they are that close in choice IMO.

Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 23:56
Dont get a Z3 they sold more on BMW reputation than on being a decent car!  Go for either of the other cars you have suggested just thinking about everyday living with the car

Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 21:51
Adetri - some top useful comments on there - will bear them all in mind and will DEFO post back when I decide.  Proberly in next 4 weeks or so
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 21:52
Quote from: "adetri"Gearbox - the MX5's is a peach, the MR2's is a lemon (IMO)
 - Engine Note - the MX5 sounds better in stock mode

100% agreed on that. While you can tighten up the one on the '2, stock-for-stock there's no contest.
Post by: aaronjb on June 26, 2007, 09:59
MX5 = direct-change (lever sat on the box)
MR-2 = cable change

Cable change will always lose - but having said that ours is one of the best cable change boxes I've driven.. Go drive an MG-TF if you want to know what a sloppy, loose, vagueomatic cable change box is like  s;) ;) s;)
Post by: heathstimpson on June 27, 2007, 22:26
Quote from: "aaronjb"MX5 = direct-change (lever sat on the box)
MR-2 = cable change

Cable change will always lose - but having said that ours is one of the best cable change boxes I've driven.. Go drive an MG-TF if you want to know what a sloppy, loose, vagueomatic cable change box is like  s;) ;) s;)
Yes the MG's were rather bad  s:? :? s:?
Post by: Anonymous on June 28, 2007, 08:26
I test drove a BMW Z3 2.2 and the 2.8. They handle really well, imho. Both would p*ss all over the MR2 in power. However the Z3 is getting abit dated know. Hence the Z4.

The MR2 is quite well built, handles really well, albeit abit floaty at speed on the front end without bracing. The MR2 does look the business with the top down. But oooooh so slow  s:( :( s:(  

The Z3 was very well built but servicing costs were abit more than the MR2.

I wouldn't take my MR2 or a Z3 to a main dealer for a service, you get goons working in all garages. I take my cars to a garage i know and trust i've used for ages they are top dollar!!

If your looking for power the MR2 would not be my first choice.
Post by: mrsmr2 on June 28, 2007, 08:56
I can only compare the MX-5 and the MR2.  A colleague had the 5 and I drive a few thousand miles on it on all surfaces.

Handling wise, I find the MR2 honed and responsive while the MX-5 is good but is comfort orientated.  It is nowhere near as sharp as the 2.

I'm not a huge fan of the 5 gearbox.  It's very, very fast which is good but it's also vague, and the vibration from it would send your hand number if you left your hand on it while driving.  The 2's is much slower, notchier, but positive and there is no vibration at all.

The 5 is better if you want good old fashioned lift off over steer or want to slide it.  The 2 is not the best for this - it wants to hold the road and grip, not slide.

The 5 has a boot, the 2 doesn't.

The 5 is much more cramped inside as it has a huge transmission tunnel running through the middle.  I couldn't get comfortable and I'm 6' 1".  The 2 is nice and roomy in comparison.

The 2 can be a little understeery at times but a lift off the power before turning in helps a lot here.  

If you find a good country lane with a few bends and then absolutely hammer the 2 in second gear, it can ride like it's on rails.  I've yet to drive another car that can give that buzz.  That's not to say it handles like this all the time but on the right road it makes me smile for miles.
Post by: Anonymous on June 29, 2007, 23:24
Quote from: "aaronjb"MX5 = direct-change (lever sat on the box)
MR-2 = cable change

Cable change will always lose - but having said that ours is one of the best cable change boxes I've driven.. Go drive an MG-TF if you want to know what a sloppy, loose, vagueomatic cable change box is like  s;) ;) s;)

Too true.  When you consider where the gearbox is in relation to the gearstick on the 2, it's not too bad I guess.

The problem is you are really spoilt in the MX5 Mk2 - you sort of think "why aren't all gearboxes like this?" .....  then you drive a older Volvo V40 with the Renault sourced gearbox (I did), and you think "this porridge is a bit lumpy"

  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:
Post by: Anonymous on July 5, 2007, 18:00
What is the ' Facelift ' model?

Seen it on a few ads
Post by: aaronjb on July 5, 2007, 19:01
Quote from: "adetri"The problem is you are really spoilt in the MX5 Mk2 - you sort of think "why aren't all gearboxes like this?" .....  then you drive a older Volvo V40 with the Renault sourced gearbox (I did), and you think "this porridge is a bit lumpy"

  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:

 s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  Yeah - I know what you mean about being spoilt.. The Z's gearbox is also fantastic for the same reason the MX5's is - the stick is sat right on top of the gearbox.

Quote from: "Fiery Phoenix"What is the ' Facelift ' model?

Seen it on a few ads

It simply means the post 2003 model, when the '2 received a facelift.

See here for more details of the year-on-year changes:
 m ( m
Post by: firepower on July 5, 2007, 21:40
imho the choice is between mx5 and mr2 if your after a roadster they are both top class motors with little to choose between them .
having only driven the 1.9 Z3 ( talk about slow ) 10.5s to 60   s:( :( s:(   i do not know how the 2.2 or 2.8 perform although i should think the mr2 and mx5 will out handle any of the Z3s which are nice motors just not a sports car unless you go for the Z3M   s:P :P s:P
Post by: Anonymous on July 5, 2007, 23:38
ISn't the z3 based on some crappy old early 90's chassis.
I've heard the handle like a lump of turd.  s:D :D s:D
Post by: firepower on July 6, 2007, 08:48
yes i think it uses the 3 series chassis which was never regarded as sporting   s:) :) s:)
Post by: Anonymous on July 6, 2007, 22:04
Hi guys

looking to test drive the MX% and MR2 tomorrow

Quick question regarding the MR2 - saw a few ads which state ' UK Supplied '

Reckon this could perhaps be an import?

If so should I steer clear of imports or not?  Any difference?
Post by: Anonymous on July 7, 2007, 06:07
EU and UK cars are identical, so no worries there.
Post by: tonigmr2 on July 7, 2007, 09:05
Really, the only way to know is go drive both the MX5 and MR2!
Post by: Anonymous on July 7, 2007, 09:17
Quote from: "Ekona"EU and UK cars are identical, so no worries there.

Sayif its a Japanese import though?  I Know the <azda has the Eunos whiich is - should I steer clear if the MR2 is an import?
Post by: Wabbitkilla on July 7, 2007, 09:27
If your concerned about the Jap import thing look here;  m ( m

There's nothing wrong with them, just keep in mind the differences.
Some of the Jap imports are quite special, there's a white one floating around here which looks phenominal!
Post by: Anonymous on July 14, 2007, 15:23
I have test drove both now - the MX5 and the MR2 and it's defo the MR2 for me - the MX5 was a bit too compact inside - found the MR2 much more spacious inside and it felt better - not as low down - hard to explain.

But least I know what I like now!
Post by: Wabbitkilla on July 14, 2007, 16:24
Yay  s8) 8) s8)  

Get out and get one my good chap, you won't regret it
Post by: Anonymous on July 14, 2007, 17:18
Actually viewed one earlier - the idle revs counter was at 1500 - is this normal?
Post by: Wabbitkilla on July 14, 2007, 17:51
It will start around there when cold.

Should after a few minutes drop to around 1000rpm.
When fully warm and been out and about a bit they can drop to 700-800rpm, nothing to worry about.

You will need to test drive it for long enough to be fully warm to see where it ends up. I'd recommend taking something like white kitchen roll to hold near the exhaust otle for any tell tail signs of oil use.

Have a look at the search button, you can find out loads of things to check before you hand over the readies
Post by: Liz on July 14, 2007, 18:35
Quote from: "Fiery Phoenix"Actually viewed one earlier - the idle revs counter was at 1500 - is this normal?

What about Perrys one - rare to find a Turbo come up for sale.
Post by: Wabbitkilla on July 14, 2007, 19:30
Now that is one special car!
One wonders if it is suitable for us human beings.

Depends how much you want to spend, i saw quite a nice dark green metallic (pretty rare) at the dealers in Slough for £7995 on an 03 plate.

Let us know how you get on and we'd love to meet you sometime. It may even be worth just getting in touch and meeting with a member near you if you want some good tips and ideas.
Post by: enid_b on July 14, 2007, 19:32
or you could have mine?

Post by: Anonymous on July 14, 2007, 19:44
Looking for an 03 plate, prefer silver ( would consider black ) some of the prices are nearer £9k for an 03 though and I have been offered stupid low proces at trade in for my 54 plate Focus
Post by: Wabbitkilla on July 14, 2007, 19:54
Probably possible, but don't overlook other options - that green is growing on me!

( (
Post by: Anonymous on July 15, 2007, 18:16
Quote from: "Wabbitkilla"Have a look at the search button, you can find out loads of things to check before you hand over the readies

Had a quick search - seems to be the pre-cat issue mainly - looks like I should be looking to buy one without them in or one with them in if it has low mileage ( and the remove them ) is that correct?

None of the Toyota dealers near me have any used MR2's for sale - really want an 03 plate.  Is it worth waiting or is it quite rare that they may get a 4yr old car on their forecouts?

Now I'm beginning to look can you guys advise the MAIN things to look out for?  And on the pre-cats - such a noob - so I apologise but how do I know if they have been removed?  Where do I look to check / what do they look like?