MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on February 10, 2004, 18:07

Title: oops 13psi
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2004, 18:07
Since having my turbo, i've had the profec that controls an EBC(electronic boost controller)but never used it as the stock wastegate level of 6.5psi has been enough. Now i'm about to add all the goodies i've been storing to see what level i want to get to, so i've just set up the EBC.

The profec has3 settings, off (wastegate level), lo and hi which can be set to required level.To get the EBC to respond at it's best it has to learn, this involves 2 or 3 4th gear flat out acceleration runs as the controller slowly adds psi till the required boost is acheived, let off the accelerator and it records it.Simple i think, so set it to lo setting at 7.5psi, the learning icon is flashing, meaning it's ready, and down a quiet straight road i go.

Only what i forget to do is see what the hi level is set at, as i'm not interested in using his yet...oh dear.... a flat out run and i press the wrong button turning the EBC to high, which is set at 23psi   s:shock: :shock: s:shock:  An almighty roar from behind, i let off straight away, the profec recording a 13psi boost.

Imagine if i wasn't paying so much attention, i would have 1 very poorly '2 at the moment.I would love to one day be able to use that much boost (i never will), i have never felt anything like it   s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted:    

And that's it. Thought i'd share my horror.  s:oops: :oops: s:oops:
Post by: mph on February 10, 2004, 18:25
 s:shock: :shock: s:shock:  

I recall some while back over on SC (pre-loss of data) that Joel's bleed pipe to wastegate actuator came off resulting in some silly amounts of boost, but everything stayed intact. Maybe we're all being too conservative with this engine...   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  

According to the cheapo boost gauge, mine seems to be peaking at .7bar. However, I'm replacing the actuator, bleed valves and so forth, to have just a single decent .5bar actuator. This should smooth out the torque curve and hopefully cure the drop off I've currently got.
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2004, 18:46
Yeh i remember reading that. Doh now it's me.

Maybe we are underestimating the engine, but don't think i'll be the first to test it too much!

What is the most psi you have tried or seen on your set up so far Martin, just out of curiosity?
Post by: mph on February 10, 2004, 23:27
The most *I've* seen is about .8bar on my not-so-accurate gauge. That's about 11psi.
Post by: Tem on February 11, 2004, 06:55
Didn't TTE say that the block starts to stretch at...uhm...somewhere below 1bar anyway...
Post by: scottee on February 14, 2004, 12:46
Universal TurboCharger

Anything with the word 'Universal' is evil   s:twisted: :twisted: s:twisted: