MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => General => Topic started by: Rocklobstar on October 30, 2009, 14:19

Title: Winter Tyres
Post by: Rocklobstar on October 30, 2009, 14:19
Having had my roadster this year, for the summer months, this is my first winter of use and so a question arises.  Does anyone go to the trouble of changing their wheels and tyres for the winter?  Say to a pair of cheap steel wheels and a set of mud and snow tyres, is it worth bothering with when the frost and bit of snow arrive?
Title: Re: Winter Tyres
Post by: evileye_wrx on October 30, 2009, 14:32
I found the best thing to do if it was really snowy was just to leave it at home. Any tyres can be tricky in really poor weather tho I believe the Toyo T1-r's are quite reliable as a wet weather tyre

Title: Re: Winter Tyres
Post by: Barney Bear on October 30, 2009, 17:24
Snow has never been a problem up here and mud how could you even consider letting your 2 come in contact with such stuff  s:D :D s:D
Title: Re: Winter Tyres
Post by: blahpony on October 30, 2009, 18:16
I have a set of Yokohama IceGuards for winter. I used to have them on a set of steelies. My friend wrecked his Spyder and bought a new one. I helped transfer over all his mods and he gave me his old set of stock 15s. I now have the IceGuards on those.
Title: Re: Winter Tyres
Post by: enid_b on October 30, 2009, 20:55
i ran my 2 for 3 winters as my daily commuting car, and never had a problem. i encountered snow, sleet, hail, driving rain, wind, salt etc. that was with both bridgestones and toyos (at different times of course)

never had a problem and i dont think our winters are extreme enough to warrant special winter tyres.  granted if you are on racing slicks or similar you may wish to get a deep groove.

all i would suggest is -

1, adapt your driving style to the prevailing conditions (no brainer that one)
2, anticipate more
3, deep grooves on your tyres
4, wash the car more frequently, paying attention to at least rinse the underneath and the wheel arches when they start applying salt to the roads.
5, top down, heater on full. you will love it. (although be careful when folding a cold top, they are a lot stiffer - dont force it)

edit: if you are on the stock wheels, and they are not YET bubbled, i would recommend that you wash them daily! and get a good layer of protection on them.  it is only a matter of time before they start to bubble.  i didnt look after mine during last winter, and they bubbled quite quickly over a couple of months.

Title: Re: Winter Tyres
Post by: mrzwei on October 30, 2009, 20:58
God it must be hell to live up north  s:D :D s:D
Title: Re: Winter Tyres
Post by: Anonymous on October 31, 2009, 21:40
You can buy a decent Discovery for little more than a new set of tyres (certainly less than wheels + tyres) as a 2nd car. You'll never have to worry about winter again. If you want a bit of performance there is always the V8 - just dont try going round corners as fast   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:    s:lol: :lol: s:lol:    s:lol: :lol: s:lol: