MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Maintenance, Problems & Troubleshooting => Topic started by: nimrod on November 24, 2011, 13:16

Title: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 24, 2011, 13:16
I know there are plenty of threads on this subject but no cure apart from turning the stereo up,about a month ago I greased the bits that moved and used WD 40 and that fixed it but now the squeak is coming back,has anyone found a way to stop the noise or should I try to live with it.this weekend I will get myself in an awkward position again and have another go.  s:roll: :roll: s:roll:
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2011, 13:26
WD40 evaporates off leaving metal against metal. Ive had some success with spray grease, the type used for bike chains.
Title: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: AmeR on November 24, 2011, 13:30
Quote from: "dick2ski"WD40 evaporates off leaving metal against metal. Ive had some success with spray grease, the type used for bike chains.

I really must get under there and grease it up again!!
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 24, 2011, 15:19
It's good to know that the noise at the clutch pedal seems to be a common problem.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nathanMR2 on November 24, 2011, 17:49
When we had my gearbox and clutch out mine it was regreased and it lasted all of 2 months  s:( :( s:(
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: Chris H on November 24, 2011, 18:25
There's only one solution......get an SMT......  s:bounce: :bounce: s:bounce:
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: stargazer30 on November 24, 2011, 19:50
mine started squeeking and i suspect its some other bit of the pedal assembly other than the obvious moving parts springs.  Once I nail the little squeeker I'll post where it was. It really winds me up too.

One of my RCA leads is breaking down and giving a nasty alternator whine too so currently I have a MR2 that sounds very wrong!
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 25, 2011, 15:17
It winds me up too,having a look this weekend, I am going to buy some spray grease and give it a good going over I might try a bit of duck tape around the spring not to tight though,I will let you know if I manage to pin point the squeak,hope your problem is an easy fix and not to expensive.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nathanMR2 on November 25, 2011, 17:33
You cant usually get to the sweaky bit without removing the gearbox as far as im aware  s:( :( s:(

If you do start spraying grease in places be careful not to get any in or on the clutch plate   s:| :| s:|
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: Anonymous on November 25, 2011, 18:39
Hi Nathan, you think the squeak is coming from the thrust bearing lever pivot? If anyone is changing the clutch it would be a great time to put a good blob of coppaslip on the pivot pin.  s:) :) s:)
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nathanMR2 on November 25, 2011, 21:18
Yeah im pretty sure thats what matt regreased when we had the box out. It solved it straight away but it came back in a few months  s:( :( s:(
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: spit on November 25, 2011, 21:31
V True. The fix doesn't last. You just need to treat it as part of the character of the '2   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  

Oddly, we have many squeak-free members on here too. Temporary fixes aside, it seems there is no physical rationale for why it does or it doesn't.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: inert2k3 on November 25, 2011, 23:14
I have a squeak and I hate it... will have to get it fixed when it comes around to changing the clutch/gearbox
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: Anonymous on November 25, 2011, 23:35
Hmm.. This sounds like a job for.....PTFE Tapeman!
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 28, 2011, 08:27
I covered the whole clutch pedal assembly this weekend with spray white grease seemed fine after that,drove to work this morning with the heater blowers on all was quiet,turned the blowers off just before I parked up and there still was a little squeak I am still convinced the noise is coming from the pedal area and not the clutch,at least the heater blowers cover the noise and will probably be in regular use now.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: Wabbitkilla on November 28, 2011, 09:48
We've seen this all before, it's pretty weird how the noise is created in the bell housing and you perceive it to be coming from the pedal assembly.
Someone has got rid of it by using a decent grease on the fork pivot in the bell housing, mine has mostly gone but I'm sure I hear it now and then.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 28, 2011, 13:01
Are there any pictures or drawings of the fork pivot in bell housing,if not I will get someone to operate the clutch to find it,I assume that I need to get under the car?
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: spit on November 28, 2011, 16:31
I've just moved a couple of gearboxes in the garage. I can get some useful photos from inside & out, but it'll have to wait until the morning if thats ok?

Yes, ideally you need to get under. You'll see the rubber boot surrounding the fork. It has a small vent that can be used to introduce lube..... but best to see a pic of the inside to get an idea of where you're aiming.
Title: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: AmeR on November 28, 2011, 16:43
Quote from: "spit"I've just moved a couple of gearboxes in the garage. I can get some useful photos from inside & out, but it'll have to wait until the morning if thats ok?

Yes, ideally you need to get under. You'll see the rubber boot surrounding the fork. It has a small vent that can be used to introduce lube..... but best to see a pic of the inside to get an idea of where you're aiming.

Eh you're a good'un!!  s:D :D s:D
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 29, 2011, 08:21
Thanks spit,I wish they did a Haynes manual for the MK3 in book form as in the good old days,I know it can be bought as a CD so when I eventually buy a home computer I will probably go that route.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: spit on November 29, 2011, 16:04
oh b*gger I forgot about this......   s:oops: :oops: s:oops:  I'll go do it now. BRB.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: spit on November 29, 2011, 16:34
Here we go......

Rubber boot showing 'vent' hole - handy for getting a straw-feed lube can into.


From inside the bell housing, showing fork in position:


Dimple indicating pivot point:


Fork removed to give an indication of distance from end of fork to pivot dimple:


And finally, bell housing with fork removed showing copaslip'd pivot:


Hope this helps

Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 30, 2011, 08:51
thanks for the pictures,unfortunately I cannot download them on the works computer,but I will speak to my lad later on to print the pictures and I am sure they will help ,thanks for your time.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: AMH on November 30, 2011, 22:49
 s:D :D s:D  Seriously useful pictures - my RAV does the same squeak / no squeak routine and using bike chain lube cured it last time - I was spraying blind tho but seeing these pictures it looks like my guessed location was correct.   s:D :D s:D
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on December 5, 2011, 08:22
I assume I have to take off the engine splash guard to gain access to said area,I was going to do it yesterday but its quite tricky in a residential car park,I might do it over Christmas at my parents or a friend who has offered me use of his pit in his garage.also a hundred mile round trip on Saturday cured the squeak,but its come back to haunt me today.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on December 21, 2011, 11:41
Thanks for all your advise,all quiet for now,I was convinced the noise was coming from the clutch pedal assembly.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: Wabbitkilla on December 21, 2011, 11:48
Quote from: "nimrod"Thanks for all your advise,all quiet for now,I was convinced the noise was coming from the clutch pedal assembly.

It is quite weird the way the noise travels along the pipe, glad it's going well now   s:D :D s:D
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: MisterK on December 21, 2011, 17:19
Noticed mine started squeaking a couple of months ago but only when depressing the clutch first time before starting the car first thing in the morning - haven't really noticed it when on the move & when the engine is running.  Definitely sounds as though it's from the pedal area but if the majority feel its from the bell housing & the sound travels to the pedal area then who am I to disagree (isn't that part of an Annie Lennox song?).  Anyway, I can live with it for the time being - let's hope it doesn't get any worse.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on December 22, 2011, 10:18
Best to operate the clutch with someone behind the car,I was lucky because I work in a college and they have car lifts and no students,makes life so much easier to take off the engine tray and gain access to the pivot pin, sprayed white grease on pivot through the breather vent,fixed under tray back lowered car tried the clutch and bugger the squeak was still there,raised the car left the tray and put my hand through the slotted part moved the whole boot stuck my finger in hole with high melting point grease on it and I could actually feel the pivot pin,lowered car tried the clutch all quiet,if it happens again thats the way to do it ,yipee.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: no1trancefan on November 6, 2014, 09:06
sorry to resurrect, but is this easily accessible with the undertray off?
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 6, 2014, 12:33
Yes, but you probably have to lay on your back, I was lucky being able to use the lift at work, it was easier than I thought, I believe you have to be careful not to get grease on the clutch plates, good luck, it's a relief when the squeaks gone, touch wood, mine has been fine ever since.
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: no1trancefan on November 6, 2014, 13:15
Oh cool will get under, is it easy to accidentally grease the clutch plates doin this fix? hopefully not
Title: Re: squeaky clutch pedal assembley
Post by: nimrod on November 7, 2014, 08:20
I,m not to sure, I was trying just to spray grease at the fork pivot, had more control when I had a blob of grease on my finger, not to sure how close the clutch plates are to the pivot fork?