MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => General => Topic started by: Alex Knight on November 20, 2014, 11:28

Title: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Alex Knight on November 20, 2014, 11:28
Hi dudes,

Not that I'm interested in doing this, I like my black car, but...

All of the body panels on this car unbolt, correct?

Therefore is it possible to change the colour of your car by fitting a different colour full set of panels? With plenty of cars being broken, and used panels available relatively cheap, this would surely be a fairly easy/cheap job to do?
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: tomaky on November 20, 2014, 11:38
Correct, apart from the sills they are a nightmare. In someways maybe a wrap could work they can be pretty cheap.
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Mr X on November 20, 2014, 12:12
A few years ago I wrapped mine myself buy taking the panels off and doing them in the kitchen. wrapping onto the car is easier as long as you can keep it dust free while you do it. Problem is that the inside is still the original colour so door frames, sills, under the engine lid & bonnet.

I took some wrap off (front bumper & bonnet) to plastidip it instead. That was very easy to do, much easier than wrapping!

Another thing to note is the whole legality of dip/wrap is in the air at the moment. I was pulled by the police the other week. He also said my car is coming up as silver on his database. So, I said it's wrapped and he said if I'm going to keep it, to change the V5 and they are going through the process of changing the law about wrap now. He also boned me about my window tints so had to take those off   s:cry: :cry: s:cry:
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: peteyb on November 20, 2014, 12:35
 s:D :D s:D  The law on full wraps/dips is you must inform the dvla, im pretty sure its been like this since april/may, this was due to the how popular wrapping has begun, and to stop false information coming up on camera, police cars etc

And as for the color change, i wrapped all my door shuts and seal, the only place that gives away the wrap is the boot or bonnet being opened
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: StuC on November 20, 2014, 12:36
Do you think you were pulled for your tints in the first instance? Just wondering if they'd have pulled you for the color change.
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: topsyde on November 20, 2014, 14:25
I remember back in the day vw had a Polo Harleyquinn I think it was called with different coloured panels on it! God knows what colour it said on the v5 doc!!  

Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Alex Knight on November 20, 2014, 14:49
Quote from: "topsyde"Polo Harlequin I think it was called with different coloured panels on it! God knows what colour it said on the v5 doc!!

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Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: ducatiross on November 20, 2014, 18:58
My mate's just told me about plastidip - looks like a good option -  check out

How did you find it Mr X ? Did you do it all yourself ?
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Anonymous on November 20, 2014, 19:07
I've used plastidip a few times never a full car though. It's a good product!
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: peteyb on November 20, 2014, 19:12
Plastidip is good stuff, dont bother with cans tho, will be patchy and wont peel when u want to change it, im talking for a full car that is  s:) :) s:)  get a proper plastidip spray gun and some premix rds, job done, if you wanna be fancy they do mix you own pearls, chameleons, glossifiers, satin looks, a pearlizer, its endless lol
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Rob988 on November 20, 2014, 21:18
My car is fully dipped.  Took me about an hour.  Its easy.  You can use my gun if you like.
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Mr X on November 21, 2014, 09:52
Quote from: "ducatiross"My mate's just told me about plastidip - looks like a good option -  check out

How did you find it Mr X ? Did you do it all yourself ?

Yeah, I saw some videos so I brought a 5l tub of the pre-mixed matte balck and did it on the drive... the over spray left quite a large black mark on the ground though! ooops!   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: ducatiross on November 21, 2014, 12:56
Quote from: "Rob988"My car is fully dipped.  Took me about an hour.  Its easy.  You can use my gun if you like.

What preparation do you have to do to the car first ? Rubbing down, masking, etc ? How do you get it off the bits you don't want dipped like wheels, brakes, windscreen etc ? Can you really do it from start to finish in 1 hour !? And for how much ? Sounds too good to be true !
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Mr X on November 21, 2014, 14:08
Quote from: "ducatiross"
Quote from: "Rob988"My car is fully dipped.  Took me about an hour.  Its easy.  You can use my gun if you like.

What preparation do you have to do to the car first ? Rubbing down, masking, etc ? How do you get it off the bits you don't want dipped like wheels, brakes, windscreen etc ? Can you really do it from start to finish in 1 hour !? And for how much ? Sounds too good to be true !

I think an hour is a bit... optimistic   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  maybe not counting the cleaning/masking.

All you have to do is make sure it's as clean as you can get it. Technically,  you don't even have to mask anything as it will come back off with a rub/peal but more work before is less work later.

 Good clean, shove bin liners over the wheels, rough mask the windows, completely cover the roof and spray a good 5+ layers. Then, once it's dry, take off the bin liners & masking and peal off the plastidip where you didn't mask.
  s8) 8) s8)
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Rob988 on November 21, 2014, 15:01
As above. Spraying took an hour. Masking off took half an hour max. Peeling it off the areas I didn't want it took about another half hour. Paint cost me £68. It's worth putting plenty of coats on as the more that are on the easier it will peel off. It'll also be much more hard wearing. I regularly jet wash mine.

I cannot emphasise enough how astronomically easy it is. You can't even mess it up cus it just peels off.
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: jinxedkitten on November 21, 2014, 15:23
If it peels off so easily, just how hard wearing is it really?
Is re-spraying just a patch if some is scraped of feasible, or would you need to re-do the whole panel?
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Mr X on November 21, 2014, 15:35
Quote from: "jinxedkitten"If it peels off so easily, just how hard wearing is it really?
Is re-spraying just a patch if some is scraped of feasible, or would you need to re-do the whole panel?

You have to pick at it on the edge... once you start it off, it's like pealing off a sticker. A pressure washer wouldn't start it off. Re-spraying depends, you can get away with matte paints quite easily but others not so much. Light scratches, I doubt will happen but a deep scratch will leave a line as it's base is uneven. Just peal off the panel and repaint the whole thing....

It really is very easy to do compared to normal paint. No messing with primer, drying time, lacquer etc
You can't polish it though as it will peal off! Still, that saves a job when washing  s;) ;) s;)
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Rob988 on November 21, 2014, 21:59
Again cannot repeat that enough.  Because you have to get an element of purchase on it to be able to peel it off, its more hardwearing than you'd think considering it peels off.  Its just like vinyl wrap but 100x easier.  Vinyl wouldnt just peel off with a jet wash or a scratch or scuff, but once you can get enough grab on it, you can pull it off with relative ease.  As for hardwearing, I did mine a few months ago and theres not a mark on it.  I drive my car everyday.  Pictures are on my thread if you want to see it:

 l viewtopic.php?f=9&t=51582 ( l
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Thehazzle on November 21, 2014, 22:04
Can you get custom colours? Might get any hard top and plastidip it as close to sable grey as poss rather than waiting for one to pop up
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: Rob988 on November 21, 2014, 22:21
The guys I got it from will mix you up any colour.  However I should say at this point I wouldn't personally try and do a gloss colour.  Matte is easy.  Gloss, however, I imagine requires a more skilled hand than my own.
Title: Re: Bolt-On Respray?
Post by: jinxedkitten on November 22, 2014, 18:39
Ahh, makes sense, thanks for your replies. Shame gloss isn't really viable or I'd do both my bumpers as a bit of protection!