MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Appearance Related => Topic started by: spit on October 16, 2004, 17:11

Title: Anyone know where I can get.....DAX paint?
Post by: spit on October 16, 2004, 17:11
Its heatshield painting time.

Far and away the best aerosol heat paint I've ever used was "DAX". Industrial strength stuff - used on gas turbines and other gear.

As far as I remember, the manufacturer also supplied lithium grease and other useful specialist concoctions (but not the hair wax - that's a different company altogether!!).

Anybody heard of this? Anyone in the engineering trade know if it is still available?

I used it extensively during my mo'bike-rebuild days. Beautifully consistent metallic teflon-style black finish and great at handling heat.

Any info would be seriously appreciated (I'm a candidate for early-onset dementia!) Ta.
Post by: markiii on October 16, 2004, 17:14
sounds liek a question for GSB.