MR2 Roadster Owners Club

The Workshop => Appearance Related => Topic started by: steveash on January 4, 2019, 23:10

Title: Headlight painting
Post by: steveash on January 4, 2019, 23:10
I'm thinking of giving my FL headlights a cleanup and a lick of paint. I've seen it done and prefer the PFL black to the FL chrome. Against silver paint, the chrome is a bit too first gen Ford Focus to my eye while the black seems a bit more timeless. I'm also wondering if a charcoal grey might work even better. Particulalrly if I get my wheels painted in the same shade. Any thoughts?

So when it comes to paint I'm assuming it best to scuff the surface and paint with a plastic primer but just a little worried if the bulb heat might peal the paint. Anyone got any experience/opinions?
Title: Re: Headlight painting
Post by: Ozzy on January 10, 2019, 21:37
I've done a couple of headlights in the past and done same process as you stated... Scuffed until there's no shiny bits, used plastic primer, any paint and then laquer if going for a shiny gloss finish.

Never had any issues, even with HID bulbs but you could always use high temperature paint if you're worried I guess.  Also highly doubt you'd have paint peel as its going to be sealed and not getting touched by anything. Just make sure you let it all dry properly.

I'd personally go with gloss/satin black as I think grey may look more like faded plastic but up to you. Either will look nicer than chrome.
Title: Re: Headlight painting
Post by: steveash on January 17, 2019, 22:56
Thanks, appreciate the advice. I guess a headlamp will get no hotter than an engine cover. Good point with the grey looking faded. Black it is then.