Goodyear Eagle F1 GS-D2

Started by Anonymous, September 2, 2004, 15:59

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Hi guys,

Have always run the goodyear F1 (standard size) on my 2001 MR2.

The rears are now very worn and require changing - however, no where has any stock of the GS-D2 and they state that they are on back order with Goodyear!  Ive even heard that Goodyear arent producing the D2 or D3 anymore and that any currently available are all that are left.

Really didnt want to mix tyres but may have no choice.  (ive read previous threads on mixing tyres) however, does anyone know where i could get hold of the GS-D2's from???


You could try Hi-Q as they are owned by Goodyear - so I suppose if anywhere will they will.

[size=75]\'01 Black Roadster
Leda Adjustable Struts/Eibach Springs/TTE Stabilizer Bars/TRD Bracing/TTE 17" 9-Spokes/Toda Flywheel/Unichip/TTE Exhaust/TTE Front Bumper/TRD Quickshift[/size]


I wanted to change from Bridgestone RE040s to GSD2s, but gave up when I couldn't source the rears from anywhere. Even Goodyear could only suugest I contact one of their wholesalers.

I've bought RE720s instead

  s:D :D s:D    s:D :D s:D


In the end could not get hold of the goodyears from anywhere.

Had a shop around and found the Toyo Proxys T1S - almost identical tread pattern to the GSD2's and a fair bit cheaper.  Although they are softer and have a lower wear rating.

Got them fitted for £58 each and very impressed with them.  Rear end grip is excellent.

(Just to let you know i believe they will soon be ending the T1S as they have bought out the T1R to replace it.)
