Highest mileage '2

Started by Anonymous, January 27, 2005, 19:19

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who has got the roadster with the highest miles without engine failure?

i ask as mine is getting to 60k and im getting paranoid!   s:oops: :oops: s:oops:


Thats a good question..after reading some of the posts on here Im beginning to get a little worried as mine is reaching the 60k mark too!!
I keep expecting it to blow up on the North Circular on the way to work   s:cry: :cry: s:cry:


We just lost a '00 Spyder on this side of the pond that had 112007 on the odometer (precats not removed). Thus perisheth the "old man."


one with 87k on Autotrader at the moment....


would have thought most modern cars would be good to 100K if regularly serviced if not more!!!!    s8) 8) s8)


The West Midlands Drivers Club organiser has a 2 with well over 105000 miles with I believe no engine problems.


70k on mine - still very sweet. 60k is only just run in!
