Fuel door

Started by Petrus, August 26, 2021, 09:24

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Is there a clever way to unlatch the fuel door when the cable is not working?

Will be taking the wheel off, splash guard out, side vent plastic out, but space is a bit limited so I´d like to know beforehand what I am supposed to see/do.
When I took the air duct out, saw the metal separation blocking ... well all really. So? Is there a clever way to go about unlatching?




My way (not necessarily recommended) would be to wedge something under the fuel door lever by the driver's door so that it was fully up and then use a piece of flexible plastic / metal (wrapped in thin cloth) in the gap between the fuel flap and body to try and lever it open. But I suspect you may have tried that already!


Yhanks for the suggestion. Have not tried pry it open yet. The door is very thing metal sheet. Will try with an old credit card. With the door off or kept closed with duck tape I can at least dríve.

Found this: https://www.mr2-spyder.com/community/diy-how-to/how-to-replace-the-fuel-door-cable/

Probably me being a non native english speaker but the descriptions do not enlighten me much. 


That is two old plastic cards gone. Door not budging. Looking for more cards but thinking of what Einstein observed...


By Jove what a pita.
The cable was ok. The locking pin retracting as it should.
Had to insert a screwdriver into the hole of said pin and push the lid open.

Had to take the mudguard out a second time  >:D  as after umteen times workinf flalessly, it stuck the unpteen-and-oneth with all mounted.

Aaaaaaanyway, now know how to do it. The 1/4 turn locking click was the biggest issue as it needs quite a bit of force and it takes overcoming some mental resistance to do thus to old plastic.

Freshly showered and ready to fill up and go kiss Bubbly.


Thank you for posting @Petrus,  as I mentioned elsewhere these release cables (frunk, engine lid, fuel flap) are something that if inoperable present "some" problems, and so best treated to some serious looking at before that problem occurs.
The Spyder.com write up is for a LH drive car and the fuel flap is also on the Left. That means with our RH drive car, with the fuel flap on the Left the cable Route has a few more corners to negotiate and so could be even more of a pita.
