ZZZZZzzzzz electrical Noise from streering wheel

Started by Anonymous, February 22, 2006, 14:17

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when I'm stopped and the steering wheel is still (not moving/turning), I hear a small ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz electrical noise.
When i steer a bit that noise stops. When I leave it still again, that starts again.

Any ideas?


Perfectly normal according to Toyota - mine did it for ages before the power steering pump went!
ex-TTE Turbo, now Freelander Sport, its not a car its a Landrover!




You should not be able to hear it from inside the car, though.


Quote from: "Beanie"You should not be able to hear it from inside the car, though.
I can. Been there for about 12 months now & noticeable when I park up. MrT assure me its nothing to worry about, and it goes away with the slightest twitch of the wheel.
1999 MR-S with added C2 POWΣR

Humbled recipient of the Perry Byrnes memorial trophy (2007 & 2011)


yep my mk 2 did it at startup untiil it got up to pressure, presumably the pump whining


Yeh mine did this too, unfortunately the only cure is to replace the pump/motor as I had to  s:( :( s:(


Another issue.
When I full steer the steering wheel left or right during parking, at the full lock, I hear something like squizing... is that normal ???


heres the inspection details for the vane pump

 m http://www.tandridgecanoe.co.uk/roadste ... ection.pdf m
[size=80]rip - C2 chargecooled roadster
now Subaru Impreza WRX STi with PPP
ex committee 2004-2009[/size]
