A big hello & a little advice.

Started by Anonymous, November 14, 2006, 15:36

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Its too much work to fit the konis thats why.

At least with the TEIN's you only have to take the old ones out and put the new ones in. Even though they do cost nearly double!


If the Konis were half the price I'd have gone for them .... but once you factor in the cost of new upper mounts its a bit different - you'll be lucky to come in under £500.

And when it comes to selling up you can put the old stockers back on if they haven't been hacked and sell a floppy car and a set of Teins separately  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:
1999 MR-S with added C2 POWΣR

Humbled recipient of the Perry Byrnes memorial trophy (2007 & 2011)


Hey Guy's

Might be worth speaking to Matt at SP, he also sells Tein's and may be interested in a group buy, plus he got the laser equipment.  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  



Well it seems the H'Sports price is not as low as originally thought, thanks to VAT  s:cry: :cry: s:cry:  ..... but the guys are going to see what they can put together on this. DTweeks buying power might win out after all  s:? :? s:?  

SP is a good thought Rob, although having an additional resource in this neck of the woods would also be handy, particularly with the installation option.

I'll pick this up again after chats on the 25th.
1999 MR-S with added C2 POWΣR

Humbled recipient of the Perry Byrnes memorial trophy (2007 & 2011)


 s:( :( s:(    s:x :x s:x    s:oops: :oops: s:oops:    s:cry: :cry: s:cry:    s:evil: :evil: s:evil:  

After all your sound advice yesterday, i was putting the wheels in motion (pardon the pun) ie sorting out some new boots today. Also stuart from hypersports in Wigan rang with some prices on shocks.

But....   when he rang i was already in the A&E.  Hmmm sore head & neck, but in ok shape. I wish i could say the same for the car.

Fine indentation where the side grill (was) that was still in tact. The car looks a mess, rear light dislodged and bonnet out of line. I'm hopeing its not a write off as i only payed 6k and being a W reg it might not be worth the hassle for the insurance company. Will find out tomorrow.

B*llox i was hopeing to join you all on the dyno day.

If anyone can let me know how to attach pics, i will post a couple that i took today in the police compound.

It's a shame as the bodywork inside and out was top drawer for age and mileage. I new the score as in roundabouts after rain = greasy tarmac. As the back end drifted i turned the lock into it, but the Avons took on a mind of there own.

Wish you all well for a good deal on the shocks. I will contact Stuart in due course (when my 2 gets out of hozzy)

Anyway thats me, shock is the name of the game. Now where did i put those codeine phosphate's, dicofenac & paracetamol xlarge.



Hey John

Glad you are OK, oh s**t man sorry about the car, I hope you manage to get it sorted.




Tough break John - glad you're in one piece though.

Posting pics? Have a quick look in FAQ here.

Basically, you get the pic hosted on the interweb somewhere, and then when you compose your post, hit the "img" button, paste the link, and hit the "img" button again. Preview it before submit to make sure its all ticky-boo.
1999 MR-S with added C2 POWΣR

Humbled recipient of the Perry Byrnes memorial trophy (2007 & 2011)


Thanx fella's that pic of HOMER sums up how my head is feeling at the mo.

Will post some pics tomorrow as i'm about to watch "Tokoyo drift" and i think there's someone at the door. Oh no it's "Avon calling"

Regards, John.   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  [/b]


Quote from: "crystolic fusion"i'm about to watch "Tokoyo drift" and i think there's someone at the door. Oh no it's "Avon calling"

Regards, John.   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  [/b]

Guess what - so am I  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:    s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  , no Avon over here mate just loads of hale.



Hope you're feeling better   s:? :? s:?
Ex MR2 Roadster Turbo (seven years) now 997 Porsche Carrera 4 GTS


Anyone else fancy mixing tyres in this weather?

Glad you're OK though. Shame about the car.



good to hear your fine mate  s:) :) s:)  
I have an early roadster ie: before the 2003 update and the rear end was very lively, nearly bought it a few times especialy on rounabouts. Recently had tte turbo fitted including the tte chassis brace at sp, it realy does seem to have tied the rear end down and i would recomend seeing if it can be fitted to the NA cars  s:?: :?: s:?:
01 tte turbo, sp exhaust and down pipe, tte springs 190hp more power soon ? 205lb/ft
1/4 mile 14.6 s @ 90 .55 mph  ( at drag strip )


The TTE brace is available as a standalone option from SP, although they may advise you wait until they're bringing a kit in from Europe before supplying one in order to save on shipping.

Of course there are other options for us pre-facelifters in the form of various plates, member and strut braces  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:
1999 MR-S with added C2 POWΣR

Humbled recipient of the Perry Byrnes memorial trophy (2007 & 2011)


Some sound advice there chaps, will look into braces etc. First thing is a new set of boots.

Just heard from the garage, looks like the car can be fixed. So thats good news for a start.

Once the new rear shocks & tyres are fitted. I shall be probing your minds for advice on struts and braces. I bought my 2 purely as a weekend hobbycar, but i can feel the forces pulling me in for a mod or two.

Doze anyone know if by adding such items will effect insurance? As shurely they can only add to the cars handling and saftey. Any idea of the cost of the uprated TRD brace for the engine bay costs?

Kind regards, John.


Glad to hear that you can get the car fixed,

As to costs for a rear strut/engine compartement braces go, i have just got one for mine. It cost me about £190, and the rear end doesnt step out as much as it did before i got it, and i havent changed my driving.

Heres a couple of pictures (click on them to enlarge)


Thanx for the close-up pics of the bar Andy. It looks like top quality and well made. The chances are if i had one of those and some decent boots fitted, the brang may not of happened.

The garage have quoted 3 1/2k to fix the car. There just waitin for the go-ahead off the insurance. Me cars worth around 6-6 1/2, so hopefully they'll pay out.

One good thing, the respray will cover up a few minor scatches etc.

Where did you get the brace from Andy as it looks like an essential bit of kit.

Regards, John.  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:



Have a PM chat with Dave, our Prolex affiliate. He currently lists the TRD and C-One rear braces at £180. And don't forget the ROC 5% discount  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:

Website link for Roadster goodies
1999 MR-S with added C2 POWΣR

Humbled recipient of the Perry Byrnes memorial trophy (2007 & 2011)


Cheers mate, i shall have a nosey on prolex for struts etc. Once i find out whats happening with the car. Tomorrow hopefully.

PS, by the way i have just come round the same roundabout as par the knock in the mr2. I was driving the wifes renault laguna. Which is wearing some naff kumko or something tyres. (newish).

1 st exit off the roundabout at aprox 30 - 35mph, ground was greasy wet. Car stuck to the road liks s**t to a blanket. It felt like more or less the same speed as on wednesday morning.

I've found out since the area is a bit of a hotspot for crashes.

The next time i go round there in my 2 (eddie). It will be fully loaded with new boots, struts, braces and a pot of superglue.

Upstairs for thinking.   s:idea: :idea: s:idea:  

Kind regards, John.


Quote from: "SimonC_Here"Anyone else fancy mixing tyres in this weather?

I'll probably not win any friends by saying this, and this is in no way me having a go at John, but ...

Assuming that the tyres are correctly sized, with good tread, correct air pressures and haven't just gone off due to age I'm not convinced that mixing tyres turns the '2 into an instant death trap. Has there never been a crash with matched tyres? Of course there has   s:roll: :roll: s:roll:  .

ITYF that nine times out of ten the root cause is not mixed tyres but inappropriate, over exuberant use of the right foot from a driver inexperienced in the ways of mid-engined RWD sports cars. The levels of grip and handling available from the '2 are a double edged sword, yes it sticks like ordure to an Army blanket but as with all things there is a finite limit and when that limit is reached you'd better be looking out for it or it's going to hurt.

Quote from: "SimonC_Here"Glad you're OK though. Shame about the car.

Couldn't agree more, especially that John is OK and hasn't been put off for life  s:D :D s:D  .

Right, I'll sit back now and wait for the flack.


Yeah I drove mine ages with different sized wheels on (yes sized wheels not tyres).

When I lost the locking nut key half way through swapping the wheels.  s:lol: :lol: s:lol:  

15's on the front 17's on the rear, and its still in one piece.


Appreciate the comment from MoleshomeI can understand the problem with being to right footed. Its one of those things where looking back with hindsight "maybe i should have done this, should have done that"

I must admit i lack experience with rear wheel drive only got the 2 in late august. Been driving aprox 15 years without incident. To be honest i carn't wait to get the car back so as to gain more driving experience in it.

May even book a track day and exploit it to it's full potential and treat it with utter respect. Learn what it and myself are both capable of.

But in hindsight, what happened could have happened to any of us. Just took control of a nissan micra (dont laugh) hire car. I may go on the same roundabout and study the effects it has on that. As mentioned the wifes laguna had no problems.

When the car is fixed and new tyres, shocks & possible struts and braces added. If the same was to happen again then it would be a case of "hands up" In this case a workman can only blame his tools once!

Kind regards, John.   s:D :D s:D


I'm sure we've all been there. I know I have.

Quote from: "crystolic fusion"Just took control of a nissan micra (dont laugh) hire car. I may go on the same roundabout and study the effects it has on that. As mentioned the wifes laguna had no problems.

Understeer is what it'll do. Unfortunately a small FWD car cannot prepare you for a '2.


Your not kidding there matey.


i owned a mk1 mr2 for six years before buying a 2001 mk3, the mk1 never oversteered on a roundabout like i have had with the mk3 and i drove the mk1 in exactly the same way as the mk3, on the same roads .
i feel the tendancy to oversteer is a trait of the early mk3 which toyota cured on the later models, if you fit a chassis brace and strut brace this should help with the cars handling but take it easy and learn the cars ability and limits, i dont feel your accident was all down to you and would not wish to turn you off mid engined cars completely
01 tte turbo, sp exhaust and down pipe, tte springs 190hp more power soon ? 205lb/ft
1/4 mile 14.6 s @ 90 .55 mph  ( at drag strip )


cheers, thanx for that comment. I must admit its jinxed me a little and took the edge away a bit.

But i will crack on and have another go.

Just waiting on a call off the insurance whom have gave me two options to think about, either get the repair done or they pass it on to a salvage company and basically get a cheque for the market value. (or as near as).

THe car is really nice, but for the price i payed i maybe able to get either slightly newer or less mileage and from what knowledge i've gained on this wonderful forum one without the precats.

Cheers.   s:crazyeyes: :crazyeyes: s:crazyeyes:
