2zz Rod and Main Bearing Size Marking

Started by jonty, June 3, 2015, 23:32

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Hi chaps, if you can help me avoid making a silly mistake that'd be most appreciated - I'm rebuilding my 2zz, and want to replace the bearings since they look a little tired. In the service manual it says the rod sizing is 1, 2, or 3, but the character that changes is the letter at the end:

What does the A or C mean? And are my rod bearings definitely size 1?

Also, with the main bearing the following markings were there:

D0L B1



so is this the 0/1, or the 4/3?!



Toyota are well known for putting different size bearings on the same crank ie journal 1 say size 3 journal 2 size 1 only time they are all the same size for sure is if it's been ground


Is there a way to measure and find out what ones are needed?


Cabbydave, thanks for the input, that's interesting! Can you tell me which character is the critical one? From your rebuilds, is it the 1 of D1B that is the size? ESM only says about 1, 2, 3 determines the size, but the chaacter that changes is the A and C...

Rich, yes I can measure, I had some plastigauge delivered this morning, so I can check the clearances with that; in the ESM it says to measure and replace if the clearance is out of tolerance, however I think they look a bit tired anyway, so would prefer to replace them all regardless - ESM says to replace with the same size as were originally fitted.

I was orginally planning on lining this block and building with forged rods and pistons and putting a rotrex on it, but a house, wedding and baby on the way mean I'm scaling back to just a plain run of the mill 2zz... if this has been the orginal plan I'd ahve bought a lower mileage engine, and not opened it up at all...


now that we're all awake and heading for lunch time... can anyone shed any light on this for me?!


I can check when I eventually get home


cheers mate!


Anyone got any ideas on this?


Quote from: "jonty"Anyone got any ideas on this?
it'd be worth speaking on the phone to someone with experience of building these engines.

it isn't something you want to get wrong   s:scared: :scared: s:scared:


I posted the same thread on New Celica, and Smaay (their resident 2zz expert) said the rod bearings are size 2 for every rod that he's ever seen... My rods have 2 on the side of them all, but they also have loads of other guff, so without his info I wouldn't be confident.

I'm going to order a set of size 2 rod bearings and 3,2,3,3,4 mains, then plastigage everything before I do final assembly...


That's good news well done.

Are the parts expensive from Toyota?


Yeah these are expensive... In fact after all that, I decided to get MWR mains and King Rod bearings, since the costs were a bit silly for OEM... about $20 each for mains.

TBH now I just want to get the damn thing built - I'm frustrated that I don't have cash for a proper build, so I'm just going to slap it together and get the car back on the road - it's been parked up since April 2013, and two long years that I've been driving this god-awful Polo - I'm thoroughly sick of having such a souless car!!


Find online "2zzge repair manual" there are 5 size marks for main bearings, you need to find the marks on lower block deck and marks on crankshaft, there is a table chart which bearings youvneed in manual once you find the marks. The same goes for rod bearings, 3 sizes, marks on rods and marks on crankshaft


Thanks mate, I did see that but was struggling to understand the marks on the rods, as there are so many!

I checked my order with MWR and turns out I had ordered OE size 2 Rod bearings, as this was the cheapest option... problem being that one of my items is out of stock, so the order i sheld until it is back in, so this will delay the build a bit  s:( :( s:(

Oh, and my plans for a quick build we scuppered slightly by the paint I used peeling off, even though I used shed loads of brake cleaner to degrease the block... so I bailed on that idea, and have masked it all up and will do some sand blasting as soon as I have some appropriate sand. I'll then paint with 2k, and as usaual it'll all snow-ball and end up being more of a project than I initially planned...!




Numbers are on the end caps


Thanks mate, the fact that they are all 2 had me confused, plus all the other guff on the other side!

Now sorted, and OE size 2 rod bearings ordered  s:) :) s:)
