Handbrake Problems (Again!)

Started by Ama_1979, January 8, 2009, 13:01

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Hi all,

I'm hoping someone can help me,

My handbrake isn't holding, I had two new handbrake cables back in July last year during a service and I've been told that my calipers are ok.  I it adjusted the other week and though it was far from perfect it was better but now it's not holding very well again!! Grrrr

It's just a pain now and I'm not too sure what to do next, any ideas guys n gals?   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  

Thanks in advance

Amy   s:D :D s:D


One thing that you could do would be to complain to the garage who fitted the new cables. You should have driven away from that with a handbrake working really well. There are quite a few good posts on here about how to do the adjustment but this is what you paid the garage to do.
Having said this, the travel in the handbrake seems generally to be a bit of a problem so I guess it's a dealer fix unless you know a garage that's good with 2's.


Hey thanks for the reply, I will continue to have a trawl through the old posts...

It was a garage that I was recomended on here and I did take it back and he said it was ok and said I need to pull it higher, easier said than done there's nothing of me, maybe I should eat some spinach  

 s:D :D s:D



Sorry to hear of the probs with the handbrake........from memory, your handbrake should hold after about 5 clicks as per the MOT( could someone else confirm) Even your wee arms should manage that amount of clicks...........  I assume you took it to our friends at Westfield, these guys have always been ok in my experience. Although over the last 6 months I had my A/C fixed and servicing done in Woodham only because the local guy fitted a couple of braces at the same time.
If you're  pushed, bring it round, I'll confirm it ain't holding and phone them.

Incidentally, I have some red reflectors that might fit over your rear tow bar plastics, I havn't checked them with mine sizewise but going for nought!! (always assuming they'll fit!!)

See what you think!!

W. B. Webster


i had the same kind of problom. my ebrack light was on to the rear bracket pads were bad.


I am sure your problem is adjustment, something I have had a few times now, the standard travel I believe is about 8 clicks much more than most cars. As long as the mechanism is free on the back of each rear caliper then once its been adjusted by the handbrake under the console it will be fine, you've had cables so I dont think its them. I just adjusted mine for the MOT took 15 minutes so its not a big job but you will need a cranked obstruction screwdriver to get the screws out that are obscured at the front by the seats.



Hi Norman,

Thanks for the info, I've had it adjusted twice it NEVER stays it's ok for a bit then it goes again..drives I mad...Lol

Ama  s:? :? s:?


Hi Ama, I suspect we both have the same problem in that the hand brake slowly deteriorates in performance due to the mechanism no adjusting up for pad wear automatically as it should. The calipers mechanisn is getting a tad sticky, adjusting them as per the method on the site gets around that problem the only drawback is that you need to do it once a year to maintain performance for the dreaded MOT. My handbrake improvement was incrediable after I adjusted it last week reaching approx 30% and if feels great, its not binding either watch that.

