3D Chrome style lettering - advice needed!

Started by knightime, January 3, 2010, 00:35

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Hey guys,

I'm interested in getting some 3D Chrome style lettering for the back of my 2 (to help advertise my website - sad, I know, but it's something I really wanna do  s:) :) s:) !), and I was wondering if:

a) anyone can recommend a good place to get these;

b) how easy will they be to remove should I decide to sell the car in future, and;

c) if they will damage the paintwork should I decide to remove them and sell the car in future, are there any other alternatives put there i.e. 3D magnetised letters, and if so, any recommendations on where I can pick these up?

Once again I appreciate any advice you may have!




Likwidart done by a guy called Rob has been used by quite a few people on here - I have a fair bit of it on as does Davy and a few others.
If you do a search it will show a few things. Rob can cater for most things that you would want - price all depends on what exactly you are after!!

With regards to the paintwork - the stuff itself wont harm the paint although you may get a spot underneath where the paintwork is better than the rest of the car after you have taken it off as the paint underneath won't have had any exposure to the elements the rest of the car will have - this can be more noticeable than an actualk mark!!!

All you need for removal is some dental floss and lighter fluid!!
2nd Place - Northern Treasure Hunt

\'52 Lagoon Blue SMT - Likwidart graphics - quite a bit of other stuff...most homemade!!

Quote from: \"nelix\"Sold him my knob, fast payment, thanks


liquidart is not cheap!
You can buy letters on the net for a price per letter, much cheaper but maybe not as prrofessional


Our very own SteveJ on here has a vinyl cutter, pm him to see if he can assist you in anyway..
ex-TTE Turbo, now Freelander Sport, its not a car its a Landrover!


Can you cut chrome with a vinyl cutter?


I have chrome effect film that the cutter can handle - very shiny   s8) 8) s8)


Thanks for the advice guys - Steve, a PM is on it's way  s:) :) s:) !


Forget the magnetic idea as you will be hard pushed to find any metal on the rear bumper.
