Dunlop sp2000 - any good?

Started by Anonymous, July 7, 2004, 20:17

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With my rear OEM Potenza's tramlining badly, it's time to replace them.  A friend reckons he can get some Dunlop sp2000's for around £40 each - has anyone used them? I've got Ventus K102's (about 1k miles) on the front and now rubbered in they're not too bad.  

Will the SP2000's be any good or should I get a full set of K102's? Obviously I'd rather get some Eagle F1's but at twice the price it's difficult to justify...especially after just paying the insurance  s:? :? s:?  !


Remember never to mix tyres on the car. Secondly, and ive said this to everyone that asks about tyres, why not just order some toyo proxys from  w w  - the next best thing to eagle F1's and about a third of the price! £170 all round cant be bad   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  

Hope that helps.


Don't take this the wrong way but you've spent good money buying the MR2, presumably for the way it drives i.e purity of steering feel, grip around bends, ability to change direction etc. etc. etc. Surely you don't want to compromise this by fitting any old tyres. I had Dunlops onm my Gold GTI PD150 and they seemed to have very soft sidewalls - something that was very apparent when I got them replaced with Michelin Pilot Premacy, which have tonnes more grip in both wet and dry. I know this may not necessarily compare with tyres for the MR2 but it still bears out the fact that the feel of different tyres can be night and day and do you really want to compromise the feel of your MR2 for the next howvere many months / years for the sake of a few hundred quid  s:wink: :wink: s:wink:  I would imagine the Bridgestones may be better than you think (new ones of course)


Points taken - I'll stop being a skinflint.    s:oops: :oops: s:oops:


I'm ashamed to admit that my '2 has dunlop sport 2000 on the rears.  But in my defence, they were on there when I bought it last week.  I'm eagerly waiting for them to wear out cos they are cr@p.  Makes the car act wierd.


I wouldn't wait and just whack some Toyo's on - not much money, will increase your enjoyment and think how gutted you'd be if you ended up in a ditch due to the crap tyres...


I agree with Bongo... if you have mixes rubber on there now its only a matter of time before you end up in a ditch backwards... CHANGE THEM NOW!  s:shock: :shock: s:shock:


could you give the full title fo the toyo proxes please? size, expected price etc??
