Wrapping hardtop - question.

Started by Maverikk, February 23, 2014, 12:20

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Probably getting my hardtop wrapped soon, if I can get it done cheaper than a spray job. I'm wondering which of the rubber seals and other bits around the rim of the hardtop can be removed, for the sake of ease. Anyone know? Also, is it possible to remove the rear window? Thanks.


Had mine wrapped without anything needing removing. Paid £140. Can get you a picture up when I've finished work but it'll be on the Wrapstarz Facebook page somewhere.


not wrapped mye but i did viper stripe it with 4" vynle stripes and it was a bit of a pig due to the compound curve - if your doing it probably worth having done pro...


I'm getting it done pro, mate's rates though  s:) :) s:)
