Waterpump Going?

Started by Yorkie1967, July 14, 2014, 17:09

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Now had the MR2 for a year and a half and loved every minute. Done the usual suspects: refurbished wheels, new brakes/calipers, radiator etc. Just taken it for a service and also asked garage to check out a new engine noise that's developed over the past couple of months. No knocking/grinding/rattles/smoke/loss of oil/loss of power, but the engine just seemed 'noisier' than normal especially when cold. It almost sounded 'dry' if that makes sense - like something turning over and over but noisier.

Obviously it's nigh on impossible to describe a noise in words, but just wondered with the car having now done 79k if there's anything that's likely to go? The mechanic had a listen, but without getting into the engine said it was hard to say - could be a tensioning belt on it's way, could be the water pump (his suggestion). He told me to keep an eye on the water levels which I'm doing. Any other suggestions?

Many thanks in advance..


Check the water pump pulley for free play. If it's on its way out there will probably be a bit of movement.

I replaced mine 18 months ago, first suspecting the alternator but correctly diagnosed as pump.

The noise was a nyang-nyang-nyang sound if that makes any sense.


nyang-nyang-nyang - I like that! Like a continuous loop. I'll check - many thanks


could also be the tensioner bearings ... think ive got the same.. like a rattle on tickover ...  but need to check
red 2003 standard so far
