Sony CD Changer questions

Started by Anonymous, January 7, 2005, 17:13

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I have been offered a 10 disc Sony CD changer cheaply (by my brother-in-law - nothing dodgy honest!), and am very tempted, but I really don't know much about ICE matters and hoped I could get some advice on a few things here...

We have an 02 MR2 with the Sony single disc CD player. Will any Sony multichanger be compatible with this head unit, or do I need to somehow check this out first?

Is there any reason why it would be preferable to mount the changer either behind the driver's seat, or behind the passenger's (it's too big to fit in the glovebox)?

I remember reading in an archived thread that someone else affixed the changer using velcro pads or something - is this OK as an alternative to screwing it down, as I'd rather not screw it in if I could avoid it, but imagine that it would get bumped about a bit if not screwed tightly down?

Thanks for any advice - btw, I'll be paying someone to wire it in for me, so that side of things shouldn't be a problem   s:) :) s:)


I'm no expert, so cannot say what will work with what.  But I'd have thought that Sony could help... maybe go to a Sony centre and see if they sell leads to connect the two pieces of kit(?)  Just in case your brother is offering the same 10CD changer that I have, I can confirm that a CDX-646 would work fine.

Mine is fitted in the cubby behind the driver's seat, using velcro pads, and a strap.  The strap threads through the back wall of the cubby and emerges at either side of the changer.  It wraps around the changer and grips to itself using velcro.

The stock Sony head unit expects a control cable, plus separate RCA inputs, so the CD Changer should have separate controller and RCA outputs (or you would need a lead that splits accordingly)

If you don't mind, could you let me know how much he's asking for the CD Changer?  I'm about to replace my h/u and might sell my CD Changer.

Hope some of this helps!
Blue SMT with leather, A/C and TTE Twin.


Thanks for the reply!  It's a Sony CDX-605 and has both a power cable and an RCA lead with separate inputs, so hopefully it should be OK.  I'm definitely going to try to have it fitted using the strap/velcro system.

I'm paying him £20 for it, but he is my bother-in-law, so I think that's cheaper than the going rate. I've seen them go on e-bay for between £30 and £40, but the 646 seems to be more unusual than the 605, and hence is perhaps worth more?

He also has the remote control stalk, but unfortunately he didn't think to take the backing plate off before he sold the car, and the place that is fitting my changer said that I would need this, and they aren't available separately... so, I'm going to have to order one of those in advance.  Looking through the archives there seems to have been a bit of debate as to whether the WX-C570R head units will work with the RM-X2S controller - can anyone who has an older MR2 with a controller fitted confirm whether this is the case or not?  I can get an X2S a fair bit cheaper than an X4S, so that's why I'm wondering.  Thanks!


RM-X4S with the old Sony head-units AFAIK.
