I think its happening......

Started by Anonymous, October 20, 2003, 08:40

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Hi guys and gals.....

Well, two things really. Firstly, I have noticed over the last week or two the knocking on the front suspension like I had BEFORE I had the power steering pipes and the suspension mounts changed under warranty come back. And quite loudly too. I am guessing that it might be the THIRD of the problems that cause this niose and that the springs are too long. Is this correct? Anyway, my question is this. I had the changes done under warranty in March and the warranty ran out in April. As the changes have been on WAY less than a year, will MrT do the work that they inccorectly diagnosed and repaired free of charge? I personaly think they should as it was a job that wasn't done correctly, but I was wondering if anyone knew where I stood on this? And if they DON'T do the work free of charge, then how much am I looking at to get this repaired? Th car has barely 15K on the clock and its is now over 3 years old, so its still barely run in!!! I think I am being a bit hard done by if they don't do the work they couldn't repair ocrrectly first time round......

Second thing is, could someone describe to me how the timing belt tensioner problem starts to rear its ugly head? I have noticed an unusual, irregular "ticking" sound coming from the rear right of the car. Its quite quiet at the moment and tends to dissapear when I hit the gas a little, but it is definately there on tickover.......
I realise that this is not going to be a warranty job as I no longer have the warranty, but is this a big problem? Will it cause damage or just sound horrible? And will it casue me grief in the pocket? Am I going to faint at the prospect of having so spend all that money on a car that is barely touched?

I thought I was getting a great deal on a car with such low milage when I bought it, but it was already 2.5 years old. I feel a bit hard done by that all of the well known warranty issues are now coming to light after the warranty is up, yet its so low milage..........gutted. I will know better next time.....

Any advice on this is good guys as I would like to ring MrT in the next couple of days to see what they say and any ammunition from you lot would be much appreciated.........  s:D :D s:D


i too would like to know what to like out for with regards to the timing belt tensioner problem.

any help much appreciated guys and girls


John, what your hearing definatly sounds like its your tensioner.Mine started a couple of months ago.It is a odd ticking rattling noise from the top right of the engine, can only hear it when the engine is ticking over and is irregular.Now mine hasn't got any worse so i've left it for now.Should you leave it???? Well that's up to you. I've left mine, it hasn't got any worse and i've got more load on it when on boost, but if it gets alot louder and noticable when not just at idle, i think it's best to do it.


I had the same knocking in my focus, my roll bar was knackered - £180 for a new one, knocking gone.  May be the same sort of thing?

Maybe I am talking crap as usual.


Quote from: "John Woodward"Will it cause damage or just sound horrible?

And will it casue me grief in the pocket?

According to local Toyota, the pulley bearing starts to wear out and makes the noise. Worst case scenario is that it keeps wearing more and more with accelerated pace and finally breaks down totally. Since that operates the alternator and, more importantly the water pump, you can't drive the car if it breaks.

Keep an ear on the noise, if it keeps getting worse, fix it...I know I would.

Oh and the parts are expensive...when I thought mine's going, I asked for the part numbers from the TSB...they were about 800 euros total  s:shock: :shock: s:shock:
Sure you can live without 500hp, but it\'s languishing.


....... no, I think I'll keep my mouth shut!   s:lol: :lol: s:lol:    s:roll: :roll: s:roll:
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo


My belt is starting to go. Instead of the usual burble from the back I am periodically getting during idle a tack-tack-tack . I have heard it compared to the sound of a diesel engine.

This was probable for early cars but looks 2002 versions get it as well   s:( :( s:(  

It kicked in at about 21k.

More info below



Is the noise you hear from the timing belt problem a distinctive one??

its just ive listened and not quite sure if ive got a noise or not??

its just the fact that my warrenty runs out in just over a month and i'm finding my self becoming very paranoid and maybe hearing things that arent really there.




Good stuff guys. Thanks. I might just leave it a little while longer and see if it gets any worse. Its not that bad at the moment (Stereo off and really listen for it), but I will have to keep an ear on it and see what happens....

Has anyone got any opinion on my other part of my question about the suspension? At least I might have a case on that one, so any advice is welcome............  s:D :D s:D


QuoteIs the noise you hear from the timing belt problem a distinctive one??

I find it distinctive because it is starting to develop and it has that tack-tack sound which I presume is the belt slapping due to the tensioner not doing its job. To me, I hear the sound as a distinct sound over, and out of sync, of the rest of the engine idle noise.

Open your engine hood and listen for that kind of sound to the right of the engine.


Your ticking is valve chatter. I have the same problem. I had mine checked out and all the valve clearances were within spec.

Ie they could do nothing about it   s:x :x s:x


Quote from: "ekoesling"Your ticking is valve chatter. I have the same problem. I had mine checked out and all the valve clearances were within spec.

Ie they could do nothing about it   s:x :x s:x

Mine does that... my dad said that the tappits sounded a bit loud.  No idea what he was on about.


Tappets. Its an old word that my Dad still uses. He used to use it as a general word for the whole cam, rocker and valve movement and they were called that cos they did make a "Tappet" noise. A lot of cars don't have them now due to hydraulics and so on, but the word is still used to signify something like that.

My dad is a qualified mechanic, but he got his qualifications back in the 60's. Things have moved on......  s:shock: :shock: s:shock:  

It could be that sound that I have, but not sure. Tappet noise is usually (and I say this lightly) quite regular cos of the nature of their movement. The noise I have is quite irregular.....


Yeah the noise is very regular.


Then your Dad is probably right (in a way). I would at least get someone to check valve clearances or something.


Mine started doing it ever since the trip to the Dragon back in April.

I had 16k on the clock at the time.

I was told it could be carbon buildup on the valves. Its hard to hear unless your driving slowly and if you turn the radio on you cant hear it at all.

It bugs me just knowing it exists but they say smaller engines with 16 valves are generally louder. I asked why my 03 corolla doesnt do it then and they just said the engine is easier to hear in the 2 (true dat).

Ah well.

Im selling mine and getting the 04 anyway. Anyone want to buy a 02 Silver with 23k =D never driven in the winter.

Shipping would be a bit high though   s:wink: :wink: s:wink:


Sorry to resurect an old thread but it is linked to the sticky.

I had the faulty tensioner problem on my 35k mile 2001 car.  It made a ticking noise at irregular intervals and only when the engine was fully warmed.

A replacement tensioner was £120 and labour was about £40 (not at Toyota).  Problem solved for £160 inc VAT.
