Seat skins - need instructions!

Started by Anonymous, September 25, 2003, 19:44

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Guys/Gals & misc  s:D :D s:D  
I've got a set of seat skins (official toyota) for the 2003 seats. I'm quite puzzled on how to fit these on (replacing my existing covers).

The main seat cover has an internal zip which runs through the back of the seat, but I'm stuck on how to attach them with the metal hooks at the base(?). The same goes for the cover which you sit on, there are 3 hooks either side that attach to them, but I dont want to unhook anything in case it falls apart


Its for the older seats, but this might help a bit

 m ... eather.htm m


Thanks a lot kris   s:D :D s:D  

Looks like its a job for Mr T unless I decide to save a few quid  s:oops: :oops: s:oops:


It's not really that hard...take the seat off and take your time doing it. Don't hurry or try to take shortcuts and you should be just fine.

The next seat on another evening will be a lot easier  s:) :) s:)
Sure you can live without 500hp, but it\'s languishing.


Why are you replacing your covers, Elfin? You haven't had the car very long....
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo


Yeah I've only had the car for 3 months now, but I'll be swapping the seat colour from black to red (sable looks much better with red seats imo).

I have a couple of months to work on this mini-project (gonna garage the car in a few weeks time for the winter hibernation)


Are your black seats leather and if so, are you selling them?


unfortunately I'll be swapping black cloth for red cloth (cant afford leather on my wage   s:oops: :oops: s:oops:   )
