lowered ???

Started by Anonymous, March 4, 2004, 20:33

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Hello everyone, new to the club and car - recently bought a Jspec 2 and loving it   s:D :D s:D  
Have been checking out the posts here and you guys a) seem to know everything and b) are friendly with it - choice!
My 2 currently has a bad boy exhaust which is well loud - not sure i like  s:? :? s:?  and i have managed to ground it twice now  s:cry: :cry: s:cry:  Can anyone tell me the standard  height of a 2 so i can check if mine has been lowered?


Easiest way is to check the gap between the front wheel anf the top of the arch.. if you can pretty much get your hand in (side on) then it is standard, if only a few fingers (three or so) it has probably been lowered.
Alternatively, take a look at the springs for any markings such as TTE, Eibach, G-Max etc.
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo


thanks slacey


No problem... let us know what you reckon as well after you have checked.
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo


BTW, have you any idea what exhaust it is that you have on the car?
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo


no but will check at same time - i'm curious bout that too

Jap GT300

A dead give away is if the springs are a colour other than Black.  I notice many lowering springs in Japan Are Blue.


ok can get pinky and ring finger only b/w tyre and wheel arch so allowing for fat fingers, my 2 has been lowered (springs were black no markings) which explains my previous grounding incidents
cant see what type of exhaust i have - any clues as to how to tell?, will try and post some pictures
