MR2 Spyder rollbars!!

Started by Anonymous, March 10, 2004, 00:03

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Does anyone know where I can get one. Does anyone have any pics of modified spyders.
Thanks  s:roll: :roll: s:roll:



There are several suppliers for the Roadster rollbars. I guess the guys on Spyderchat may be more of use to you as they are US based. If you want to get the TTE bars, then all european dealers can get them. If they will ship to the US is another question.

You could try Fensport in the UK. I guess someone else can give you more info than I can.


Are we talking functional rollbars or looks only style bars?

If functional then Spyderchat will be your best bet, there has been a lot of discussion latly, if it it style bars you are after, use the search feature in the menu at the top of the page to look for 'style + bars'
Ex 2002 Black / Red Leather Hass Turbo
